About West Java

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Vision and Mission of West Java Province 2018–2023


Making West Java an Inside and Outside Champion with Innovation and Collaboration

Religious values, happiness, fairness, collaboration and innovation

West Java Development Mission

  1. Forming Pancasila people who are devout
    By increasing the role of mosques and places of worship as centers of civilization, with mission targets namely champion Islamic boarding schools, champion mosques and champion ulama.
  2. Producing cultured, qualified, happy and productive people through improving innovative public services
    The mission targets are champion health, champion women, champion sports, champion culture, champion schools, champion teachers, champion mothers, champion millennials, champion universities and champion vocational schools.
  3. Accelerating growth and equitable development based on the environment and sustainable spatial planning through increasing regional connectivity and regional planning
    The mission targets are champion transportation, champion logistics, champion village gate, champion city, champion coastline, champion pansela, and champion energy.
  1. Increasing the productivity and economic competitiveness of a prosperous and just society through the use of digital technology and collaboration with innovation centers and development actors
    with mission targets namely champion fishermen, champion tourism, champion environment, champion waste management, champion disaster response, champion creative economy, champion workers, champion industry, champion markets, champion farmers, champion communities, champion SMEs, and champion entrepreneurs.
  2. Realizing innovative government and collaborative leadership between central, provincial, and district/city governments
    with mission targets, namely champion bureaucracy, champion Local Government Budget, champion Apparatus, and champion BUMD.

Featured Programs
West Java Province 2018–2023

Increasing access to inclusive education

Increasing access to inclusive education

Decentralization of health services

Decentralization of health services

Increasing innovation-based economic growth

Increasing innovation-based economic growth

Developing tourist destinations and infrastructure

Developing tourist destinations and infrastructure

Creating a Pesantren Juara

Creating a Pesantren Juara

Improving Regional Connectivity Infrastructure

Improving Regional Connectivity Infrastructure

Improving Regional Connectivity Infrastructure

Improving Regional Connectivity Infrastructure

Improving Regional Connectivity Infrastructure

Improving Regional Connectivity Infrastructure

Increasing innovation in public services and regional planning

Increasing innovation in public services and regional planning