Acting Regent of Garut Encourages Creativity of Kindergarten Teachers and Students through Achievement Festival


Tuesday, April 30, 2024


Diskominfo Garut


Diskominfo Garut

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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. GARUT - Acting Regent of Garut Barnas Adjidin officially opened the Garut Regency Kindergarten Student and Teacher Achievement Celebration event which was organized by the Indonesian Kindergarten Teachers Association (IGTKI) - Garut Regency Republic of Indonesia Teachers Association (PGRI) at the Pendopo Building, Regency Garut, Monday (29/4/2024).

This event was held in the context of the 74th Anniversary of IGTKI-PGRI Garut Regency, the 145th Commemoration of Kartini Day, the Commemoration of Education Day, and the 211th Anniversary of Garut with the theme "Innovative Creative Generation with an Independent Spirit Study".

The Garut Regency Kindergarten Student and Teacher Achievement Celebration was attended by teachers and students from 40 sub-districts in Garut Regency, with 725 students and 280 teachers participating. This event will be held for two days, namely Monday-Tuesday (29-30/4/2024).

In his speech, the Acting Regent of Garut stated that this activity was a form of appreciation for kindergarten teachers by holding several competitions. According to him, kindergarten teachers' happiness also influences the development of kindergarten children.

"It turns out that these children can develop if their teachers are also happy, that's why there are teacher competitions, of course this really supports the development of kindergarten children in particular," he said.

Barnas emphasized the importance of education as the foundation of national development, starting from an early age for kindergarten children, so that later they can become useful human beings.

"So kindergarten education must receive attention, both in terms of the quality of the teachers, then the assistance, and so on, so that it can run as we hope," he said.

Chairperson of IGTKI-PGRI Garut Regency, Tati Nurbaeti, emphasized that the Celebration of Achievement activity for Kindergarten Students and Teachers has become a routine agenda every year.

He also emphasized the important role of kindergarten teachers in giving birth to a creative and innovative generation, ready to face future challenges.

"Because it is impossible to produce students who are creative, innovative, without being born to teachers, partners who work with their families from home, namely kindergarten teachers, God willing, it will be sustainable," he said.

He hopes that the real work of kindergarten teachers can always produce results in preparing the golden generation as the nation's future successors.

"With these activities we train children to be independent, confident, have competitive values and are ready to live in the future, in a future that is full of challenges," he said.

Various competitions were held, both for teachers and students, including the MC Competition, Learning Props Competition, Solo Singing Competition, Duet Competition and Group Vocal Competition. Meanwhile, children's competitions include the Picture Completion and Coloring Competition, Sholawat Competition, Solo Singing Competition, Simpay Jump Competition, and Ball Throwing Competition.

Editor: (Diskominfo Garut/UPI)

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