Acting Regent of Garut Emphasizes the Importance of Teacher Welfare and Professionalism


Wednesday, May 1, 2024


Diskominfo Garut


Diskominfo Garut

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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. GARUT - Acting Regent of Garut Barnas Adjidin emphasized the importance of the welfare and professionalism of educators. A teacher must be prosperous in order to provide optimal teaching.

He expressed this at the Halalbihalal Large Family Gathering event at SMAN 11 Garut, at the SMAN 11 Garut building, Tuesday (30/4/2024).

According to him, quality teaching requires a conducive work environment, including adequate incentives for educators. Barnas stated that he agreed that payments to teachers must be adequate, because this will be reflected in future development results.

"Teachers must be more prosperous, because how can they teach well, when they still need things that are not important for them to think about, this means that teachers' salaries have good incentives, I really agree that teachers are paid well," he said.

Not only about welfare, Barnas also emphasized the importance of a teacher's professionalism, one example of which is teaching according to a linear field of knowledge.

"Teachers have to be professional, because this is the time when mathematics teachers, mathematics graduates, teach for example social studies, isn't this continuous (linear)," he said.

Apart from encouraging cooperation between schools as an effort to improve the quality of education in Garut Regency, Barnas also highlighted the importance of preparing students for the world of work. He hopes that students will have skills, so that when they graduate from school they will have the skills to work.

Barnas also invites stakeholders, such as the police, TNI, and religious leaders, to contribute in providing knowledge to students in the school environment.

Barnas appreciates the spirit of education in Garut and invites all parties to continue developing human potential and educational facilities in the area.

"Continue to encourage the spirit of education, then develop what can be developed, both in terms of people and facilities," he said.

Also present were the School Principals' Working Conference (MKKS), the Association of Principals' Wives (IIKS), and the Private School Principals' Forum (FKSS) of high schools throughout Garut Regency.

Editor: (Diskominfo Garut/UPI)

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