Garut Regent Inaugurates New Street Name


Sunday, November 12, 2023


Rilis Humas Pemdakab Garut


Rilis Humas Pemdakab Garut

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4 times


PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. GARUT - Still in the atmosphere of Heroes' Day, Garut Regent Rudy Gunawan, symbolically inaugurated Jalan KH Yusuf Tauzirie in the Wanaraja District Office area.

The naming of the new road is based on the Garut Regent's Decree Number: concerning Determining Road Names.

On this occasion, Rudy revealed that his party would carry out re-inaugurations in various places, where there are 27 roads in Garut Regency that have been named.

"Because 27 roads are named after figures from Garut Regency on Heroes' Day," said Rudy, Friday (10/11/2023)

Rudy emphasized that naming this road is a form of respect from the local government to the heroes who have served in Garut Regency. Apart from street names, he will also name building infrastructure in Garut Regency.

"And there are also names of buildings that we will pin later, to honor predecessors in government, ulama, youth figures, movement figures and so on," he said.

Apart from Jalan KH Yusuf Tauzirie, the inauguration was also carried out on Jalan Dr. Ir. Andung A. Nitimiharja and Jalan Pangeran Papak. Simultaneously with the inauguration, Rudy also provided assistance with 2 operational vehicles in the form of motorbikes to the Section Head in Wanaraja District to strengthen community services.

Wanaraja Subdistrict Head Mia Herlina stated that there are 3 new street names in the subdistrict, namely Jalan KH Yusuf Tauzirie, Jalan Dr. Ir. Andung A. Nitimiharja, and Jalan Pangeran Papak. Mia hopes that this inauguration will be blessed.

"Thank God, maybe today it will be inaugurated directly by the Regent. Hopefully in the future there will be blessings, especially for this road," he said.

Mia explained that this activity also included the signing of the Wanaraja District Office Inscription which had previously been built on October 19 2015.

Mia also hopes that with the help of these operational vehicles, the performance of Kasi in Wanaraja District can be improved to provide better services to the community.

Jalan KH Tauzirie itself is a road section from Sadang - Wanaraja - Cihuni T-junction. Meanwhile, Jalan Dr. Ir. Andung A. Nitimiharja, starting from the Wanaraja T-junction to the Talaga Bodas Crater. Meanwhile, the Jalan Pangeran Papak section is from Simpang Dumuscili to the Cinunuk Pasar Wanaraja T-junction.

The following are the names of the new roads based on the Decree of the Regent of Garut Number:

1. KH. Ahmad Nahrowi, namely the Cibatu Ring Road with a length of 4.33 km
2. Lt. Gen. H. Mashudi, namely from Cihuni T-junction to Cibatu Square with a length of 7.76 km
3. Rd. Gahara Wijaya Suria is from Simpang Cihuni to Sukawening Market with a length of 1.77 km
4.Dr. Ir. Andung A. Nitimiharja, namely from Wanaraja T-junction to Talagabodas Crater with a length of 14.58 km
5. KH. Yusuf Tauzirie is from Sadang - Wanaraja - Cihuni T-junction with a length of 7.75 km
6. Colonel H. Aboeng Koesman, namely from Sadang T-junction to Cigadog Sucinaraja with a length of 7.75 km
7. Pangeran Papak, namely from Simpang Dumuscili to the Cinunuk Pasar Wanaraja T-junction with a length of 4.63 km
8. Sheikh Nuryayi from Bunderan Suci to Cisangkan Bridge (ex RM Layungsari) with a length of 7.09 km
9. Sunan Rohmat from Ciparay to Godog Tomb with a length of 4.93 km
10. Pol General. Hoegeng Iman Santoso, namely from the T-junction of Jalan Otista with Cipanas Baru to the T-junction of Jalan Cipanas Lama with a length of 1.97 km
11. Prof. KH. Anwar Musaddad, namely from Kubang to the Jalan Hasan Arief intersection with a length of 4,555 km
12. Sheikh Jafar Siddik, namely from Cibiuk to Simpang Tiga Limbangan Highway with a length of 7.98 km
13. Colonel Taufik Hidayat, namely from Simpang Tiga Patriot (At Taufik Mosque) to Simpang Tiga Jalan Samarang - Tarogong with a length of 0.7 km
14. Ratu Intan Dewata from the DPMD Office Intersection to the intersection of Jalan Letjen Ibrahim Adjie with a length of 1.2mm
15. Prof. KH. Cecep Syarifuddin, namely from Tarogong to Jalan Letjen Ibrahim Adjie intersection with a length of 1.5km
16. KH. Syaikhuna Badruzzaman, namely from the T-junction at Jalan Ibrahim Adjie to Palnjuk Samarang with a length of 7.07 km
17. KH. Rd. Hidayatulloh from Palnjuk to Simpang Bayongbong with a length of 5.42 km
18. Lettu. Moch. Toha from Cilawu (Genteng) to Munjul (Mangkurayat) with a length of 4.33 km
19. Laswi, namely from Simpang Salamajah to Simpang Karyabakti Kadungora with a length of 1.58 km
20. Idji Hatadji from Leles Square to R. Soeprapto Road Ring with a length of 0,460 km
21. Embah Dalem Arief Muhammad from the intersection of Jalan Soeprapto to Jalan Soekarno Hatta with a length of 3.2 km
22. KH. Sulaeman Afif from Jalan Jenderal Sudirman - Jalan Ahmad Yani with a length of 3 km
23.Rs. Afandi Djajadiningrat from DPMD to Jalan Ibrahim Adjie with a length of 1.4 km
24. Prof. Dr. Ir. Soleh Solahuddin from the Jalan Soekarno Hatta intersection to the Leuwigoong Market intersection with a length of 4.6 km
25. M.H. Djamhari from the Jalan Hasan Arief Musaddad junction to the Jalan Sudirman junction with a length of 4 km
26. Prof. Aam Hamdani from Simpang Panday to the intersection of SDN 3 Tarogong or Jalan Suherman with a length of 0.6 km
27. Komarudin (Yang Chil Sung) from Indomaret Cipicung T-junction to Jalan Pangeran Papak with a length of 1.76 km

(Diskominfo Garut/UPI)

Editor: Upi

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