Regent: Traditional Garut Food is an Attraction for Foreign Visitors


Monday, December 4, 2023


Diskominfo Kab. Garut


Diskominfo Kab. Garut

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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. GARUT - Garut Regent Rudy Gunawan inaugurated Bumi Upi Resto, Garut Regency, Friday (1/12/2023).

This restaurant received the regent's appreciation because it serves traditional Garut specialties as its mainstay menu, which is a special attraction for visitors.

"There is angeun awi, there is also angeun peanuts . Yes, angeun peanuts will be delicious if you use walang leaves, angeun peanuts with walang leaves," he said.

Rudy said that the presence of Resto Bumi Upi would be a culinary advantage in Garut, especially in promoting traditional food. The existence of this restaurant can increase culinary competitiveness in Garut Regency.

"We congratulate the existence of (restaurants) that can provide higher competitiveness, because the future is not too far away, if we really want to introduce typical Garut food, just come to Bumi Upi, everything is here," he said.

Rudy also sees the potential of Garut as the highest tourist destination in West Java and invites investors to invest, especially in the construction of five-star hotels. He also invited investors to invest in Garut Regency.

"Now what is needed is a five-star international brand, there are lots of places, while it's still cheap, there are no tolls, but if there are tolls then the price might get even more expensive in the future," he said.

Bumi Upi representative Linna Karyoto stated that Resto Bumi Upi wants to make a contribution to Garut, focusing on the culinary business. By introducing traditional menus to non-Garut residents, this restaurant is trying to be part of the culinary development in the area. (Diskominfo Garut/UPI)

Editor: Upi

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