Endog Lewo, Legendary Garut Snack Now Recognized as Cultural Heritage


Wednesday, March 19, 2025


Rilis Humas Pemdakab Garut


Rilis Humas Pemdakab Garut

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PORTALJABAR, GARUT REGENCY - Endog Lewo Small and Medium Industry (IKM) in Malangbong District, Garut Regency, made history by being designated as one of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (WBTb) by the West Java Provincial Government last January.

Head of the Industry, Trade, Energy, and Human Resources (ESDM) Service of Garut Regency, Ridwan Effendi announced this news when visiting the Endog Lewo production center in Panyindangan Village, Malangbong District, Tuesday (18/3/2025).

"Industry friends wherever you are in Garut Regency, we are currently at IKM Endog Lewo in Malangbong District, Garut Regency, where Endog Lewo has recently recorded history as one of the Intangible Cultural Heritages determined by the West Java Provincial Government," said Ridwan Effendi.

According to him, this determination is a form of recognition of the culinary richness of Garut which has a long history since the 1960s. Endog Lewo, a cassava-based snack with a small round shape, has long been part of the culinary identity of the local community.

"Endog Lewo is certainly very familiar, especially to the people of Garut Regency, and of course the residents of West Java," he added.

Ridwan added that this product is now available in various flavors, such as original, spicy balado, and lime leaves. Its marketing has also expanded to various regions in West Java, even to neighboring countries.

"We hope that with this determination, the production of IKM Endog Lewo will continue to grow and have a positive impact on the economy of the surrounding community and Garut Regency as a whole," he added.

From "Emplod" to Endog Lewo
Asep Andri, son of the owner of IKM Endog Lewo Sintia Rasa, explained that this snack was previously known as "emplod." However, to facilitate marketing outside Garut, the name was changed to Endog Lewo, inspired by its shape which resembles an egg (endog in Sundanese).

Endog Lewo Sintia Rasa offers four flavors: original, spicy balado, original lime leaves, and spicy lime leaves. In a day, this IKM is able to produce around 3 quintals of Endog Lewo with the help of around 20 employees, the majority of whom are local residents.

Asep has been involved in the Endog Lewo business for 10 years, helping his parents' business. He is also committed to continuing this business if his parents are no longer able.

"Pami didieu teh dugi ka 20 (employees) pami ayeunamah. Nu sepuh mah panginten nu sepuhmah damelna teu tiasa tebih, tah caket we kadieu sareng wargi-wargi seueurna. Residents around oge (if there are up to 20 employees here now. Among them are elderly, where the elderly can no longer work away from home, here with their families)," he said.

Endog Lewo marketing has now reached various regions, such as Ciamis, Bandung, and Garut, with Ciamis as the largest market.

Asep expressed his hope that the price of cooking oil, which often supports his production, could be more affordable so that production costs could be reduced.

For the price, the original Endog Lewo variant is sold for IDR 28,000 per kilogram, while the spicy balado and lime leaf variants are sold for IDR 30,000 per kilogram. Wholesale purchases (per 5 kg bale) get a special price of IDR 24,000 per kilogram for the original variant and IDR 130,000 per bale for the spicy balado and lime leaf variants.

With the recognition as Intangible Cultural Heritage, it is hoped that Endog Lewo will be more widely known and continue to be the pride of Garut cuisine. (Garut Regency Government Public Relations/rka)

Editor: Revo

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