PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - The Bandung City Regional Government (Pemda) held a simultaneous clean-up activity involving various elements of society or known as "Bebersih Bandung", in order to commemorate the 214th Anniversary of the City of Bandung (HJKB).
The event entitled "Cleaning in the Corners of Bandung City" will take place on Tuesday, (17/9/2024), starting at 07.30-10.00 WIB, involving thousands of residents at various levels, namely city, sub-district, and RW levels.
At the city level, activities are centered in the Bandung Square area and its surroundings, including Jalan Dalem Kaum, Jalan Palestina, Jalan Asia Afrika, Jalan Otista, and Jalan Sudirman.
A total of 1,000 participants consisting of the Mayor of Bandung, Forkopimda, Regional Secretary, Head of OPD, ASN, and various communities and community organizations are ready to work together to clean roads, sidewalks, drainage, as well as paint vandalism and clean up piles of wild garbage.
Similar activities were also carried out in all sub-districts in Bandung City, where each sub-district determined one location to be cleaned by involving at least 200 people per sub-district. The participants consisted of Heads of OPD, ASN, Sub-district Heads, Forkopimcam, Lurah, and various local organizations who together cleaned roads, sidewalks, drainage, and piles of wild garbage.
At the RW level, the cleaning activity involves all RW in Bandung City. Each RW determines one location by involving at least 50 people per RW, including RW administrators, RT administrators, DKM, Posyandu, Karang Taruna RW, and local residents who focus on cleaning their surroundings.
In addition to enlivening HJKB 214, this event aims to invite residents to maintain environmental cleanliness with the spirit of mutual cooperation, making Bandung cleaner, more beautiful, and more comfortable for all. (Bandung City Communication and Information Service/Revo)