The Beauty of Tolerance, HKBP Bincarung Officially Built


Monday, March 17, 2025


Diskominfo Kota Bogor


Diskominfo Kota Bogor

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PORTALJABAR, BOGOR CITY - After a long wait, the construction process of the HKBP Bincarung Bogor Church has now entered the first stone laying stage after the issuance of the Building Approval (PBG) on (4/10/2024).

The commencement of the construction of the HKBP Bincarung Church is a symbol of tolerance in the city of Bogor, which is the fruit of openness, honesty, frankness, sincerity, and genuineness.

These values are the main foundation in building tolerance, so that they can inspire not only in Bogor City, but also in Indonesia and the world.

Deputy Minister of Home Affairs (Wamendagri) Bima Arya Sugiarto, who also attended the event, said that this new chapter was the result of very good communication between the government, church and citizens.

According to him, this is proof that tolerance can continue to be maintained, developed, and strengthened with continuous communication and ongoing efforts from the government to provide understanding to all parties.

"Including religious leaders, to continue to build communication with the government openly, sincerely, and honestly," said Bima Arya, Saturday (15/3/2025).

Bogor Mayor Dedie A. Rachim said that this long process ended well and he emphasized that this was a commitment from the government.

"Since starting with Mr. Bima in Bogor City, I have also committed to fulfilling the community's hopes of making Bogor City a city that upholds tolerance," he said.

The Head of the Development Committee, Saut Gultom, said that HKBP Bincarung was established 55 years ago, precisely in 1969, when 25 heads of families held a joint worship service at the Protestant Orphanage Building.

Since then, the congregation has held worship services in several places, such as the Hall of the Satu Bakti Christian Education Foundation, Jalan Pajajaran Pulo Armen, the Adventist Church, SMK Baranangsiang, and the 5th Floor of Jambu Dua Mall. Until 2002, the congregation began to occupy a location on Jalan Bincarung.

"Since 2002 until around 23 years in Tanah Sareal, we have always maintained good relations and communication with local residents and the local government. During these 23 years, we have continued to strive to obtain PBG," he said.

During the leadership of Bogor Mayor Bima Arya and his Deputy Dedie A. Rachim, the HKBP held several discussions and open dialogues with the Bogor City Government (Pemkot).

"The attention and support from the Bogor City Government and its staff are truly extraordinary. We also always listen to directions from the government, RT/RW, village heads, and sub-district heads. We follow all of these directions. We are grateful that we have been managing this PBG for 7 years. The process was stopped for 3 years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but we continued it again, until finally on October 4, 2024, the HKBP Bincarung PBG was issued," he said.

Representing the HKBP Bincarung Leadership and the congregation, Reverend Aprianto Simanungkalit expressed his appreciation.

"We are very grateful and express our deep appreciation to the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, the Mayor of Bogor, and the ranks of the Bogor City Government for the issuance of the PBG HKBP Bincarung," he said.

For information, in the momentum of the laying of the first stone, Bima Arya and Dedie A. Rachim along with the regional apparatus of the Bogor City Government and Forkopimda received the pinning of ulos cloth.

According to the HKBP, this ulos is a form of love and prayer from the community to their leader to be given health, safety, and smoothness in leading and serving the community.

Editor: (Diskominfo Kota Bogor/UPI)

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