West Java Continues Sarimukti TPK for Greater Bandung


Wednesday, April 17, 2024





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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. WEST BANDUNG - West Java Regional Secretary Herman Suryatman emphasized that the Provincial Government will continue to manage the Sarimukti Compost Processing Site (TPK) to support waste management in the Greater Bandung area.

According to him, according to the planning document, the total capacity of the landfill zone at TPK Sarimukti is 1,962,637 cubic meters (1.9 million m3) and should be closed in 2017. In reality, until now TPK Sarimukti still has to be operated with total landfilled waste based on final 2023 data of 15,494. ,994 cubic meters (15.4 million m3).

"It has exceeded capacity by 786.44 percent," said Herman Suryatman, Wednesday (17/4/2024).

Currently, the disposal zones being operated are Zones 2 and 3, while Zones 1 and 4 are temporarily closed because they have exceeded their capacity and endanger the waste containment embankment located at the bottom of the landfill zone.

"Zone 2 can be operated until April 30 2024, then Zone 3 will be operated which is planned to operate until September 2024," explained Herman.

He explained that in the 2024 budget year there is an allocation for the development of Zone 5 or the Expansion Zone which is currently still in the auction stage. Construction of Zone 5 is planned to begin at the end of April 2024 and can be used in September 2024.

"In accordance with the planning documents, Zone 5 can be operated for two years and 15 days with incoming waste of 1,800 tons per day," said Herman.

Based on the minutes of regional leadership in the Greater Bandung Region on August 15 2024 and the Instructions of the Governor of West Java, it has been agreed that waste disposal at the Sarimukti TPK is limited to a maximum of 1,000 tonnes/day.

However, during the month of Ramadhan, waste disposal at TPK Sarimukti reached 1,611 tons per day, so it is feared that Zone 2's capacity will quickly run out.

In terms of limited waste storage areas, the West Java Provincial Government asks the district and city governments in the Greater Bandung region to manage their waste independently.

"We continue to encourage efforts to reduce waste from that source, so that we can dispose of a maximum of 1,000 tons of waste per day so that the Sarimukti TPK can be used until the Legoknangka Regional TPPAS can be operated in 2028," concluded Herman.


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