PORTALJABAR, BOGOR REGENCY - The Bogor Regency Government provides full support for the launch of the Center of Excellence for the Free Nutritious Meal Program (MBG) initiated by IPB University (11/2/2025).
On this occasion, the Acting Regent of Bogor, Bachril Bakri symbolically laid the first stone (groundbreaking) of the Center of Excellence Program MBG and participated in the melon harvest.
Minister of Bappenas RI, Rachmat Pambudy, revealed that the development of the MSME and agricultural sectors that support nutritious food programs can create new jobs and become a source of economic growth.
According to him, support from IPB University in overseeing this nutritious eating program will play an important role in realizing Indonesia Emas 2045, by producing a healthy and intelligent generation.
Furthermore, the Chancellor of IPB University, Arif Satria expressed his gratitude to all parties who supported the launch of this program.
He explained that this program is part of the IPB Food Security Action 2025, which aims to create innovation in the agriculture and food sectors, as well as improve the nutritional quality of the community.
IPB will also become a research center that explores the development of innovation models for the Free Nutritious Meals program.
"IPB has extensive competence in the fields of agriculture, animal husbandry, and nutrition. With the support of modern laboratory facilities and our experience in developing the food business ecosystem, we are ready to contribute to improving the quality of nutrition in Indonesia," said the Rector of IPB
According to him, the MBG Program launched not only covers school children, but also toddlers, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and the general public throughout Indonesia. Therefore, IPB University will continue to play an active role in providing recommendations, research, and innovation in the development of this program.
"With the collaboration between the government, educational institutions, and related sectors, we hope that the MBG program can run well and support the development of Indonesia Emas 2045," he added. (Diskominfo Kab. Bogor/Fauziah)