Bogor City Government Holds Minyakita Market Operation, Ensures Availability of Cooking Oil


Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Diskominfo Kota Bogor


Diskominfo Kota Bogor

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PORTALJABAR, BOGOR CITY - The Bogor City Government (Pemkot) held an Minyakita cooking oil market operation in order to stabilize oil prices and supplies in Block F of Kebon Kembang Market, Bogor City, Monday (10/3/2025).

Acting Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Bogor City, Hanafi, said that the purpose of this market operation is to ensure that cooking oil is available to the public, especially for the lower middle class who are affected by the increase in the price of basic necessities during Ramadan and ahead of Eid al-Fitr.

He also explained that this market operation was initiated by PT Mikie Oleo Nabati Industri and PT Bukit Inti Makmur Abadi, which collaborated with the Bogor City Government to ensure the availability of cooking oil in the community.

"It has been almost a month since Minyakita has been unavailable on the market. Therefore, we are working together with entrepreneurs to distribute 6,000 liters or 500 cartons of Minyakita in Block F of Kebon Kembang Market," he said.

To ensure even distribution, Hanafi continued, purchases are limited to a maximum of two liters per person at a price of IDR 14,700 per liter, in accordance with the highest retail price (HET).

Buyers are also required to bring their ID cards as a condition of purchase. However, for those who do not bring their ID cards, their data will still be recorded by officers.

"The two-liter limit per person is implemented for the sake of fairness so that no one buys large quantities to hoard or resell," he said.

Hanafi also ensured that so far no fraud has been found in the volume of Minyakita circulating in Bogor City, because the products that have entered have had standards that are supervised by the Cooperatives, SMEs, Trade, and Industry Service (Dinkukmdagin).

However, he emphasized that the Bogor City Government will continue to supervise to prevent fraudulent practices, hoarding, or price speculation.

"We will continue to coordinate with the relevant agencies, including the police's Food Task Force, because there is potential for fraud, so supervision must be tightened," he said.

For information, a similar market operation will also be carried out at the Tanah Sareal District Office with the same number on Tuesday (11/3/2025)

With this market operation, it is hoped that the people of Bogor City can meet their cooking oil needs at affordable prices during the month of Ramadan.

Editor: (Diskominfo Kota Bogor/UPI)

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