Acting Governor of West Java Bey Machmudin Sets 2025 UMK


Wednesday, December 18, 2024


Rilis Humas Jabar


Rilis Humas Jabar

42 rb times


52 times


PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - Acting Governor of West Java Bey Machmudin has set the district and city minimum wage (UMK) for 2025.

The 2025 UMK is determined through the Decree of the Governor of West Java Number 561.7/Kep.798-Kesra/2024 concerning the Regency/City Minimum Wage in the West Java Province in 2025.

In the Governor's Decree 561 signed by Bey Machmudin, Tuesday (17/12/2024), the amount of UMK for 27 regencies and cities is stated. The highest UMK is in Bekasi City at IDR 5,690,752.95 and the lowest is in Banjar City at IDR 2,204,754.48. Meanwhile, the amount of UMK for Bandung City as the capital of West Java is IDR 4,482,914.09.

"Today, the Governor's Decree No. 561.7/ Kep. 798- Kesra/2024 concerning the Regency/City Minimum Wage in the West Java Province in 2025 has been issued, in accordance with the Minister of Manpower Regulation Number 16 of 2024, the Governor is given the authority to determine the UMK based on proposals from the Regency and City Wage Councils submitted by the regional head," said the Head of the West Java Manpower and Transmigration Service, Teppy Dharmawan, Wednesday (18/12/2024).

According to Teppy, all UMK proposals from districts and cities have met the provisions of the Minister of Manpower Regulation to increase by 6.5 percent compared to the 2024 UMK. "So that all are compliant, there has been no discussion and debate since the receipt from the Provincial Wage Council and the determination by the Governor," he said.

"The governor confirmed that the 6.5 percent increase had been fulfilled in the district and city proposals," added Teppy.

In Gubernatorial Decree 561, it is stated that employers must pay the 2025 UMK to workers as of January 1, 2025. Employers are prohibited from paying their workers lower than the UMK, except for micro and small businesses whose wages are determined based on an agreement between the business actor and their workers.

Employers who have paid their workers above the 2025 UMK are prohibited from reducing or lowering their workers' wages.

In Kepgub 561, it is stated that the 2025 UMK applies only to workers with a work period of less than one year. Specifically for workers with a work period of less than one year who have qualifications because of their position, they are given a wage greater than the UMK.

Another provision is that employers prepare and enforce wage structures and scales in determining the amount of wages paid to workers with a work period of more than one year.

The following is the amount of UMK 2025 based on the Governor's Decree Number 561.7/ Kep. 798- Kesra/2024:

1. BEKASI CITY (5,690,752.95)
2. KARAWANG REGENCY (5,599,593.21)
3. BEKASI REGENCY (5,558,515.10)
4. PURWAKARTA REGENCY (4,792,252.92)
5. SUBANG REGENCY (3,508,626.53)
6. DEPOK CITY (5,195,721.78)
7. BOGOR CITY (5,126,897.22)
8. BOGOR REGENCY (4,877,211.17)
9. SUKABUMI REGENCY (3,604,482.92)
10. CIANJUR REGENCY (3,104,583.63)
11. SUKABUMI CITY (3,018,634.94)
12. BANDUNG CITY (4,482,914.09)
13. CIMAHI CITY (3,863,692.00)
14. WEST BANDUNG DISTRICT (3,736,741.00)
15. SUMEDANG REGENCY (3,732,088.02)
16. BANDUNG REGENCY (3,757,284.86)
17. INDRAMAYU REGENCY (2,794,237.00)
18. CIREBON CITY (2,697,685.47)
19. CIREBON REGENCY 2,681,382.45
20. MAJALENGKA DISTRICT (2,404,632.62)
21. KUNINGAN REGENCY (2,209,519.29)
22. TASIKMALAYA CITY (2,801,962.82)
23. TASIKMALAYA DISTRICT (2,699,992.26)
24. GARUT REGENCY (2,328,555.41)
25. CIAMIS DISTRICT (2,225,279.16)
26. PANGANDARAN DISTRICT (2,221,724.19)
27. BANJAR CITY (2,204,754.48)

Editor: Rep Teguh

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