PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - The Mayor of Bandung, Muhammad Farhan inaugurated SDN 090 Cibiru on Jalan AH. Nasution, Bandung City, Friday, March 7, 2025. This inauguration shows the commitment of the Bandung City Government (Pemkot) in improving the quality of education.
Bandung Mayor Muhammad Farhan said that building good school infrastructure is an important part of improving the quality of education.
"A decent building is the main facility for quality education. Currently, the central and regional governments are asked to carry out budget efficiency, not reducing, but allocating it more effectively," he said.
"In accordance with President Prabowo's direction, budget efficiency must be concentrated on two things: first, ensuring the free nutritious meal program runs, and second, repairing new classrooms," added Farhan.
He further said that the city of Bandung still has 2,400 classrooms that need to be repaired, ranging from light, moderate, to severely damaged conditions.
Therefore, he asked for support from the Bandung City DPRD in determining budget priorities to accelerate improvements to educational infrastructure.
"We really hope for the support of the Bandung City DPRD, because there is still a lot of homework to do in improving educational facilities. Together, we can provide real benefits for education in Bandung," he said.
Meanwhile, Acting Head of the Bandung City Education Office, Dani Nurahman, explained that the construction of the SDN 090 Cibiru building was carried out in two stages, namely:
• 2023: 9 new classrooms built with a budget of IDR 4.172 billion.
• 2024: 4 new classrooms will be built with a budget of IDR 2.135 billion.
Currently, the school has 32 study teams and accommodates 853 students. There are still 4 rooms that have not been repaired, which are expected to be completed soon.
"This school is located on the edge of the city, so we are trying to create a unique characteristic that provides comfort for students. Hopefully, this can improve the quality of educational services and produce a superior golden generation," said Dani.
In addition, the construction of this school is included in the Bandung City Strategic Program and is accompanied by the Bandung City District Attorney's Strategic Security Team to ensure transparency and accountability in its implementation.
With the presence of this new building, Dani hopes that students in the East Bandung area can go to school closer to home, so that students can walk or cycle and arrive ready to learn.
"We have high hopes that all parties can maintain and preserve this school well, create a comfortable learning environment, and continue to improve the quality of education in Bandung City," he said. (Bandung City Communication and Information Service/Fauziah)