Improving Accessibility, Cileungsi Regional Hospital Launches Patient Pick-up and Delivery Service Innovation


Friday, June 7, 2024


Diskominfo Kabupaten Bogor


Diskominfo Kabupaten Bogor

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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. BOGOR - In an effort to increase the accessibility of medical care for the community, Cileungsi Regional Hospital has launched a health service innovation in the form of a patient pick-up and drop-off service.

The Cileungsi Regional Hospital patient pick-up and drop-off service is here to facilitate patients who do not have private vehicles or are unable to use public transportation to go to the hospital.

The Director of Cileungsi Regional Hospital, Kusnadi, revealed that the patient pick-up and drop-off service aims to increase the accessibility of medical care for the community.

This service provides a safe, comfortable and timely transportation solution for patients who require medical treatment in the hospital or from the hospital back to their homes.

This challenge is often faced by patients who require emergency or routine medical care, especially those suffering from illnesses or injuries that limit their mobility.

In some cases, patients may even require medical care in their own home.

"This patient shuttle service is our effort to provide more inclusive and responsive health services. We want to ensure that no more patients have to worry about how they will reach the hospital when they need medical care. This service is a form of our commitment to provide a sense of security and comfort for every patient," said Kusnadi.

According to the Director of Cileungsi Regional Hospital, public transportation is often not the best choice for patients who need medical treatment due to safety and comfort issues.

Hospital patient pick-up and drop-off services can provide a safer and more controlled solution for patients who need it.

"By ensuring patients can reach the hospital quickly and on time, this shuttle service helps increase the efficiency of medical care. This reduces the possibility of delays in diagnosis or treatment and helps reduce the burden on medical care facilities," he explained.

Head of the Medical Records Sub-Division, Nano Purnomo, added that with the convenience of transportation, the pick-up and drop-off service also helps increase patient access to preventive care, such as routine examinations and periodic medical consultations.

Of course, this can help prevent the disease from getting worse or prevent more serious health problems from arising.

Moreover, elderly or disabled patients who require additional assistance in transportation to get to the hospital can also receive the necessary support through this service, ensuring they can receive medical treatment comfortably and safely.

"Our team is equipped with emergency medical equipment such as AEDs and oxygen to deal with emergencies if needed. In addition, team members are also ready to provide emotional support and information regarding medical care during the journey. This is part of our efforts to improve the overall well-being of patients, " explained Nano Purnomo.

This innovation has started in August 2023 with the formation of an effective team and the preparation of SOPs.

In September 2023, this service was officially launched and began to be disseminated to the public. Socialization will be carried out in October 2023 to ensure this service is widely known by the public.

Nano Purnomo continued, evaluation of the implementation of activities is carried out periodically every six months to ensure that this service runs according to the expected goals.

Data and information recorded during activities will be analyzed and reported to the Director of Cileungsi Regional Hospital for further improvement and development.

"With the presence of this patient pick-up and drop-off service, Cileungsi Regional Hospital hopes to make a real contribution to improving the quality of health services in Bogor Regency, as well as providing a sense of security and comfort for every patient in accessing medical care," he added. (Diskominfo Bogor Regency/Fauziah)

Editor: Fauziah Ismi

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