PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - The Indonesian Air Force (AU) has opened the acceptance of Indonesian Air Force PK Tamtama Batch II/A-88 in 2024. The registration period is 13 May - 30 June 2024.
Some of the admission requirements include:
General requirement:
1. Indonesian citizen;
2. Minimum height 163 cm;
3. Physically and spiritually healthy;
4. High school/vocational school graduates with a minimum age of 17 years 9 months and a maximum of 22 years at the time education opens;
5. Willing to be placed in all regions of the Republic of Indonesia;
6. Administrative documents: Diploma, Birth Certificate, Family Card, and KTP.
Special Requirements for Those Already Working:
1. Attach a letter of approval from the relevant agency;
2. Attach a Statement of Willingness to be Dismissed from Employee Status if accepted as an Indonesian Air Force Soldier.
How to register:
1. Registration is done online via the Indonesian Air Force website at: http://diajurit.tni-au.mil.id (http://diajurit.tni-au.mil.id);
2. For complete information, visit the Husein Sastranegara Air Base Personnel Service or contact the office telephone at (022) 6037630 or cellphone number +62 821-1981-2034.
"The Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) is once again opening up the opportunity for the nation's best sons and daughters to join the ranks of the PK TNI AU Batch II/A-88 in 2024," wrote an official statement received by Bandung City Public Relations.
In this statement, the Indonesian Air Force said that the registration of the Indonesian Air Force PK Tamtama Batch II/A-88 was a golden opportunity for young people who wanted to serve the nation and state through the military route. Wargi can contact the contact number listed if they need further information.