PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - Tegallega Integrated Waste Processing Site (TPST) now plays an important role in reducing the volume of waste in Bandung City. This place can process up to 25 tons of waste per day into alternative fuel for industrial cement.
The facility is specifically designed to handle organic waste, such as leaves from parks and street sweepings, as part of an effort to reduce reliance on the Sarimukti Final Disposal Site (TPA).
At TPST Tegallega, waste goes through various processing processes, namely:
1. Initial Sorting (Turbo Separator)
The incoming waste will pass through a turbo separator machine. This machine functions to break down organic and inorganic waste.
2. Transfer to the Shredder (Screw Conveyor Feeder)
After being sorted, the waste enters the screw conveyor feeder machine. This machine channels the waste to the shredder.
3. Inorganic Waste Shredding (Desert)
The sorted inorganic waste is placed on the conveyor feeder. Next, the waste is channeled to the crusher machine, which functions to chop the waste into smaller sizes.
4. Organic Waste Shredding (Fine Shredding Machine)
Organic waste of leaves and similar materials will be shredded using a fine shredder. After shredding, the organic waste will enter the rotary dryer for further processing.
5. Drying of Organic Waste (Rotary Dryer)
The shredded organic waste will be dried using a rotary dryer. This machine functions to reduce the water content in organic leaf waste. The dried waste is used as a mixture of RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel).
6. Inorganic Waste Through Vacuum and Blower Process
Inorganic waste will have its water content reduced and be channeled to the next machine, namely the sorting stage.
7. Sorting Stage
In this process, a collection of waste that has gone through the screw conveyor feeder, crusher and blower process will be found. Furthermore, it is channeled through a fine crusher machine with a size below 5 cm. Until finally entering the ball printing machine or ball press.
The final product is an environmentally friendly alternative fuel for the cement industry, replacing the use of fossil fuels.
Acting Mayor of Bandung A. Koswara said that TPST Tegallega has a strategic role in supporting waste management in the City of Bandung.
"We see the process of mentoring and operating TPST Tegallega. Currently, its capacity reaches 22 to 25 tons per day. The final product is used as fuel for the cement industry," he said.
Koswara said, the importance of waste sorting from the source. If waste has been sorted from the household, then the process will be more efficient.
"However, currently, waste from the source still has to be re-sorted at the TPS before being sent to the Tegallega TPST. This increases the workload twice," he said.
Koswara assessed that the role of the community in sorting waste is very crucial to increase the efficiency and success of city waste management. For that, inviting the community to be more aware of sorting waste from home.
"Let's start from ourselves to sort the waste. That way, we also support the sustainability of the Bandung City environment," he said.
(Bandung City Communications and Information Service/Revo)