West Java 2024 UMP Increases 3.57 Percent Regency and City MSE Announced November 30 2023


Tuesday, November 21, 2023





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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - Acting Governor of West Java Bey Machmudin has set the 2024 Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) at IDR 2,057,495. West Java's 2024 UMP increased by 3.57 percent from the 2023 UMP which was IDR 1,986,670, or an increase of IDR 70,825.

"The 2024 UMP is set at IDR 2,057,495, an increase of 3.57 percent," said Bey Machmudin on the sidelines of reviewing the CASN P3K Selection for the Ministry of Health's Health Polytechnic, Bandung City, Tuesday (21/11/2023).

According to Bey, the West Java 2024 UMP calculation is based on PP Number 51 of 2023 concerning Wages. "We believe that PP Number 51 has accommodated all interests," he said.

Bey explained that in determining the UMP, the West Java Provincial Government had accommodated the aspirations of associations and trade unions and received recommendations regarding the calculation of the UMP from the Wages Council.

Bey understands the aspirations of workers who want an increase in the UMP of up to 15 percent. However, he emphasized that decisions taken must be based on applicable regulations and represent many parties.

Bey hopes that the 2024 UMP will be used as a guideline in determining district/city minimum wages, which will be announced no later than November 30 2023.

With this increase in the UMP, it is certain that there will be an increase in the MSE. "Of course (UMK) will increase compared to last year," said Bey.

During the process of determining the minimum wage, Bey also hopes that there will be no mass strike by workers so that the economy will be hampered due to the production process in factories stopping.

"(Work strike) I hope not, because even though it doesn't meet the demands, there has been an increase, the details will be explained later," hoped Bey.

Bey emphasized that this wage increase should also be followed by entrepreneurs and the industrial sector so that it continues to support the economy of West Java.


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