PORTALJABAR, BOGOR REGENCY - Bogor Deputy Regent (Wabup), Jaro Ade admitted that he was assigned by Bogor Regent, Rudy Susmanto to properly oversee the acceleration of development in the West Bogor area.
This was stated at the groundbreaking event for the construction of Non-Service Housing for Indonesian Army Personnel, Karehkel Village, Leuwiliang District, Sunday (9/3/2025).
This housing development supports the Central Government's three million homes per year development program.
This program is specifically for low-income communities (MBR) in the Korem 061/SK area.
"So it is very fitting to build housing here, to support the acceleration of development in West Bogor. because the acceleration of development in this area is one of our ideals," said Jaro Ade.
Meanwhile, the construction of the TNI AD Non-Service Personnel Housing is a collaboration between the TNI AD and housing developers. The plan is for the housing to be intended for TNI soldiers, civil servants, and the general public, especially low-income people.
"Because the development of this housing supports President Prabowo's Asta Cita, one of which is the three million houses program for low-income communities (MBR)," said Deputy Regent Jaro Ade.
Kasrem 061 / Suryakancana, Colonel Inf. Rofiq Yusuf explained, the availability of housing for soldiers and Civil Servants (PNS) in Korem 061/SK is still limited, many of them still have to rent or lease houses.
"This project is an urgent solution to meet the need for decent housing, especially amidst rising property prices," said Rofiq.
He added that this project will be built on 20 hectares of land and will include around 1,000 housing units of various types, ranging from 30/60, 30/70, to 40/80, in addition to those for soldiers and civil servants.
In the future, this housing will also be aimed at the general public.
"With the involvement of various parties, including BUMN, local governments, and the private sector, it is hoped that this project will run smoothly and provide real impacts for soldiers and their families," said Colonel Inf. Rofiq Yusuf. (Diskominfo Kab. Bogor/Fauziah)