PORTALJABAR, BOGOR REGENCY - Bogor Regent Rudy Susmanto along with the Forkopimda ranks accompanied the visit of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Gibran Rakabuming Raka to the Al-Madinah Karadenan Cibinong School (18/3/2025).
Rudy Susmanto conveyed the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia's mentoring activities visiting Al-Madinah High School in the context of the National Digital AI Program (PANDAI) workshop in collaboration between AICO and Al-Madinah. On the same occasion, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia also provided assistance of 200 books for the students.
"The students are given training. But finally we also see that, this is the future. If we talk about the future, then we at the Education Office, hopefully we can emulate, imitate, transform this knowledge," he said.
Al-Madinah Marketing Director, Waris Hadi expressed his appreciation to the Vice President who also provided socialization to 200 Al-Madinah High School students regarding the benefits and use of AI technology.
"Of course we really welcome this amazing AI technology. Because technology is getting more advanced, we only have two alternatives, change or be eroded by change," he concluded. (Diskominfo Kab. Bogor/Fauziah)