PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - A total of 28 wives of Ambassadors from friendly countries who are members of Spouses of Head Mission (Shom) visited Bandung City to learn about community empowerment related to Quality Families (KB), Monday (4/3/2024)
According to the Head of the Bandung City Population Control and Family Planning Service, Kenny Kaniasari, coming to the Flower City was to gain experience and explore existing potential related to community empowerment.
In Bandung City there are KB (Quality Family) Villages as community empowerment, especially for housewives, so that they are independent and sustainable.
"They are really interested in coming to the city of Bandung for social, health and cultural reasons," said Kenny.
He added that the delegates were interested in KB Village with its programs, family development and community empowerment.
"The delegates are interested in the Quality Family Village. There is family development and empowerment for the community. We convey that there is a business program to increase the income of the recipient families, as well as handling stunting," he explained.
Kenny revealed that in the city of Bandung there is a Business for Increasing Family Income (UP2K) program as a forum for economic empowerment so that they are encouraged to be able to be independent.
"Most of UP2K are housewives, they (delegates) care too, so they buy various products. The participants who took part were amazed because these housewives were empowered independently to generate economic income," he said.
According to him, the participants were impressed by the solidarity between the government and society which was able to encourage society to be more independent.
"The Ambassador's wives were impressed with the City of Bandung, because of the solidarity between the government and the community together to improve the economy and overcome stunting cases," he said.
Kenny said, there are 151 KB villages in detail, 68 villages in the Basic category, 43 villages in the Developing category, 15 villages in the Independent category, and 25 villages in the sustainable category in Bandung City.
"The first time they came to Bandung, they wanted to try Whoosh as the fastest transportation in Southeast Asia. Then I asked (to Shom members) that they weren't coming to Bandung just this once. Apart from being impressed by the cool and comfortable weather compared to other cities, there were also lots of culinary delights, " he said.
On this occasion, Representative of the Spanish National Shom, Gemma Caminada Diaz, was happy to be able to go to the city of Bandung.
"It's good, the housewives here are great, they can be independent," he said.
He also took the time to choose typical Bandung batik at Batik Komar. Gemma was also very impressed that in Bandung there are comfortable places and high art.
"Bandung's weather is cool and comfortable, especially since there is batik here. I brought it to Spain," he said.
The countries that visited the city of Bandung included the wives of the Ambassadors of Spain, Denmark, Malaysia, Sweden, Kazakhstan, New Zealand, Suriname, Cambodia and other countries. Also present was the wife of the Indonesian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sinta Pahala. (Diskominfo Bandung City/Revo)