PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. SUBANG - The Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture is ready to provide pumping assistance to irrigate rice fields in West Java.
This was said by the Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman when reviewing the paddy field pumping program in Sumurbarang Village, Cibogo District, Subang Regency, Thursday (4/4/2024).
Amran -- as he is familiarly known -- said that within two months the Ministry of Agriculture would install pumps in rainfed rice fields that require accelerated irrigation.
"We will send whatever pumps are requested to West Java. We are giving the (Acting) Governor and the regents two months to get whatever pumps they want to install," said Andi Amran Sulaiman.
Pumping is a program promoted by the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture to increase the national Crop Index (IP). Through pumping, the planting period which was initially once a year can become two to three planting times a year.
Amran said that the Ministry of Agriculture had accelerated planting in a number of regions in Indonesia through pumping. He sees that West Java has great potential for pumping, namely 343,000 hectares.
"In West Java there is a potential of 343,000 hectares that we can plant through pumping so that the planting period in a year will be two to three times. If we work on this well we can increase production to 2.5 million tons," said Amran.
He continued, pumping is a solution to El Nino or drought disasters because it is installed permanently. Pumping is focused on rice fields that have IP one but have a water source that is available throughout the year.
"This pump is a permanent solution for El Nino because it is also installed permanently," he said.
Amran assessed that pumping in Sumurbarang Village was the best in Indonesia that he had ever seen. This could be a model for other regions that will implement pumping.
"This is what we were looking for, this is the best pump installation we have ever seen," said Amran.
As for Subang Regency, the Ministry of Agriculture provided assistance with 25 pump irrigation units worth IDR 3 billion.
Acting Governor of West Java Bey Machmudin welcomed the full support from the Ministry of Agriculture to improve West Java agriculture. Not only pumping, but also equipment assistance and fertilizer subsidies. According to him, this could make West Java the best in food self-sufficiency in Indonesia.
"If there is support from the Ministry of Agriculture for pumping, fertilizer, agricultural machinery and budget, of course we want to be number one or the best nationally," said Bey.
Last year West Java was able to produce 9.1 million tons of milled dry unhulled grain (GKG) or around 5.4 million tons of rice. However, West Java's rice demand per year is only 4 million tons.
"Last year West Java produced 9.1 million tons of GKG, meaning approximately 5.4 million tons of rice. Our monthly need was 340,000 tons, so in 12 months 4 million tons didn't arrive," he explained.
With the pumping assistance from the Ministry of Agriculture, Bey is optimistic that West Java rice production can reach more than 10 million tons per year. Moreover, West Java has potential rice fields, especially in the southern region.
"We want to get 10 million tons. I think it's possible, especially with the pumping program in one year, we can get two harvests," concluded Bey.