82 Garut Law College Students Graduated


Sunday, May 5, 2024


Rilis Humas Pemdakab Garut


Rilis Humas Pemdakab Garut

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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. GARUT - A total of 82 students from the Garut College of Law (STH) took part in the Open Session of the Garut STH Senate in the framework of the XVIth Bachelor Graduation for the Bachelor of Laws Study Program for the 2023/2024 Academic Year, located in the Ballroom of the Harmoni Hotel, Tarogong Kaler District, Garut Regency, Saturday (4/5/2024).

In his speech, Garut Regency Regional Secretariat (Setda) General Administration Assistant Budi Gan Gan, on behalf of the government and the people of Garut Regency, expressed his pride in the graduation ceremony held by STH Garut. Budi expressed that he felt proud to be able to stand in front of the younger generation who was full of energy, enthusiasm and responsibility.

"What you get now is the biggest part of the nation's aspirations for future progress, because the progress and decline of a nation depends on my children, all of whom are today's young generation," said Budi.

Budi also congratulated all the graduates and parents whose children today took part in the graduation procession at STH Garut. He hopes that the graduates will be able to dedicate themselves to religion, nation and state.

Budi revealed that in fact a person's success and authority is not determined by wealth, appearance or lineage, but most dominantly a person's success is determined by the extent to which he can create himself to be successful and his spirit of hard work and will.

"So, your success in educational institutions will really determine the extent to which you can utilize your time well to achieve success," he advised.

In the same place, the Chairperson of STH Garut, Anne Nurjanah, said that this law degree is a mandate that graduates should keep. Anne said that today was not the end of the struggle, but rather the beginning of the graduates opening their world horizons.

"The world welcomes you as a new law graduate. I hope the knowledge you gain while studying at Garut Law College will bring benefits and blessings to your life," said Anne

According to Anne, there is no point in having knowledge but not maintaining our integrity, so maintain that integrity, never be tainted by bad actions.

Anne invited the graduates to thank their parents who had worked hard to provide the best while the graduates had been studying for years at STH Garut.

"Therefore, be happy, enjoy congratulations on today, you have achieved a bachelor's degree, say thank you, bow down to your parents, say thank you because no one can afford all their (parents') sacrifices," he said.

Meanwhile, the Best Graduate of the XVI STH Garut Bachelor's Graduation for the 2023/2024 Academic Year, Noerlailatul Hassanah Satrianie, revealed that today is a day that she and the other graduates have been waiting for together.

He explained that being a student at STH Garut gave him beautiful moments, and at STH Garut he had extraordinary experiences, and learned about the meaning of struggle, hard work, sacrifice and consequences.

"It took a long time and extraordinary struggle to get us here, there is no achievement without struggle, there is no result without a process," he said.

"What we have achieved is a reflection of our struggle so far. For what we have achieved today, we should be grateful to all parties who have supported and helped throughout the process," he explained.

Editor: Revo

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