PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - Around 84 thousand students and college students are ready to break the Indonesian Record Museum (Muri) record for writing the 30 Juz Al-Quran mushaf using the Follow The Line method.
This activity was attended by students of Universitas Islam Nusantara and students from 139 high schools/vocational schools and special schools throughout West Java. This activity was held at the Uninus Bandung Campus, Friday, March 7, 2025.
"This is an effort to glorify the Qur'an. I am very happy to see the enthusiasm of the participants, this is the next generation who will guard religion and lead the Indonesian nation in a better direction," said Deputy Mayor of Bandung, Erwin at the Uninus campus.
He added that writing the Al-Quran Mushaf using the follow the line method is a creative way to make it easier for participants, especially the younger generation, to learn the Al-Quran.
"This method not only helps students write beautifully, but also deepens their appreciation of each letter and verse written," he said.
Moreover, Erwin said that this is a form of spreading the Islamic religion that is very relevant, especially in the blessed month of Ramadan.
"The Bandung City Government is very 'concerned' with Islamic religious education. We believe that religious education is the main foundation for forming superior human character," he said.
He explained that the City of Bandung has a vision and mission of Bandung Utama with the tagline superior, open, trustworthy, advanced, and religious.
The superior aspect is not only about academic or physical achievement, but also about the balance between academic intelligence (IQ), emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ).
"We want to produce a generation that is not only intellectually smart, but also has noble morals and strong spirituality," he said.
In the same place, the Chancellor of Uninus, Endang Komara said that this activity was a special moment, not only a record-breaking event but also a manifestation of love for the Qur'an and a commitment to religious values from the younger generation.
"More than 84 thousand from various regions collaborated to participate in this activity. We hope this will be a useful momentum," he said.
According to him, writing using this method is an effort to strengthen memorization of the Al-Quran.
"The benefit is for education for participants and to strengthen memorization systematically for both the left and right brain. It is expected to be able to form a visionary and honest personality," he said. (Bandung City Communication and Information Service/Fauziah).