PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - Public awareness of healthy and clean lifestyles began to appear on the second day of the 2024 Bandung City Stunting Case Audit. The two points that became the audit locus were Cijerah Village, Bandung Kulon and Wates Village, Bandung Kidul.
Based on monitoring by Bandung City Public Relations in the Cijerah Subdistrict location, as many as four families who were categorized as prone to stunting were given assistance in the form of nutritious food and health education. In addition to the efforts made by the Bandung City Government (Pemkot) to reduce the prevalence of stunting, the role and awareness of the community is starting to emerge.
For example, Yena Susanti and Yusuf Husni. This husband and wife couple are one of the four target recipients of Bandung City Government assistance as an effort to reduce stunting rates.
Yusuf admitted that he had been given a number of assistance and health education by a team of experts.
"My wife's pregnancy was accompanied by high blood pressure and hypertension. The doctor gave us some tips about what foods to consume," said Yusuf, Thursday (20/6/2024)
Even so, he realized that food intake was important to maintain his wife's pregnancy.
"Foods such as protein, vegetables and fruit must be consumed frequently from now on. The point is that my wife's pregnancy is healthy. Her wife is healthy, my child is also healthy," he said.
Apart from Yusuf and Yena, the other target families prone to stunting are 3 toddlers aged 0-24 months. The three of them received treatment, assistance and education on nutritious food.
For your information, on the first day of the 2024 Bandung City Stunting Audit, a number of aid recipients targeted for this activity also admitted that they were starting to realize the importance of a clean and healthy lifestyle and monitoring the condition of each other's family members.
Hermawan Susanto and Nur Azizah, residents of Babakan Sari Village, for example. Both admitted that they were aware that regularly checking the condition of their pregnant wives was important in preventing the risk of stunting.
"The most important thing is to monitor the condition of pregnant women. We also think it's good that there is a program like this," said Hermawan.
In line with public awareness, regional officials are also trying to present a number of innovations to reduce stunting rates. For example, in Bandung Kulon District.
Head of Bandung Kulon District, Dadang Setiawan, said that a number of regional innovations had been rolled out to help the Bandung City Government reduce the stunting rate. For example, the Gentong Sarebu and Cijerah Nu Aing (Nutrition Overcoming Stunting) innovations are rolling out in Cijerah Village.
"This innovation was initiated by the RW administrators. So the residents help each other for their relatives who are at risk of stunting. Also Cijerah Nu Aing, which was launched by the Cijerah Village," he said.
He hopes that efforts at the regional level and accompanied by the active role and awareness of the community can make a positive contribution in efforts to reduce stunting rates in the city of Bandung.
"We hope that this visit will also motivate us to suppress new cases of stunting. Our target is to minimize it to a minimum," said Dadang.