PORTALJABAR, BEKASI CITY - The flood that hit Bekasi City and Regency since Tuesday ( 4/3/2025 ) to Wednesday ( 5/3/2025 ) has not yet receded. Based on data from the West Java BPBD, more than 52 thousand people were affected by the flood with water levels varying between 50 and 350 centimeters. A number of public facilities, including hospitals, were also submerged.
The Daily Acting Head of the West Java BPBD, Anne Hermadiane Adnan, who went directly to the location, said that various handling efforts had been carried out by the West Java BPBD together with the local BPBD and volunteers.
"We have carried out emergency response, including evacuating residents, establishing emergency shelters, and providing logistics. We are doing this together with volunteers here," said Anne.
However, urgent needs are still needed, especially drinking water, ready-to-eat food, baby supplies, special needs for women, blankets and sleeping mats.
"We continue to strive to meet all our needs to ensure the continuity of the daily activities of the affected victims," he said.
BPBD Jabar also coordinated with BPBD and local governments for further handling, including Depok, Karawang, and Bogor. The hydrometeorological disaster that occurred due to heavy rain and the overflowing of the Bekasi River has caused 14 sub-districts in Bekasi Regency and 7 sub-districts in Bekasi City to be flooded. Meanwhile, in Bogor, floods and landslides resulted in one death.