PORTALJABAR, WEST BANDUNG REGENCY - Acting Governor of West Java Bey Machmudin released coffee exports from CV Wanoja Patra Jaya and Gravfarm Indonesia to Saudi Arabia and the Netherlands. The release took place at Bale Pare, Kota Baru Parahyangan, West Bandung Regency, Saturday ( 12/10/2024 ).
CV Wanoja Patra Jaya exported 19.2 tons of coffee to Saudi Arabia with a value of USD 200,000. While Gravfarm Indonesia exported 360 kilograms of coffee with a value of USD 4,600. If accumulated, the exports of the two coffee business actors are around IDR 3.5 billion.
"We support MSMEs' efforts to export (their products)," Bey said. "(Exports can) increase foreign exchange, increase jobs, and they will also invest in opening new land," he added.
Bey said that the exports were proof that products from West Java, especially coffee, were of good quality.
"The hope is that exports will be in a form with high added value. So not in raw form, but already in a finished form, the downstreaming will run until the product is finished. That will add quite a large (selling) value," he said.
The export release is part of the West Java Expo (WJX) 2024 event. WJX 2024 is a space for business actors to introduce their superior products to the international market.
"We want everyone (business actors) to move up a class. So those who are new, start first. Later, when they have started, move up again," said Bey.
Minggon Pasamoan Market
In addition to releasing coffee exports, Bey also opened the 2024 Pasar Minggon Pasamoan activity. The market is a space for local business actors to promote their superior products.
"Something like this (Pasamoan) is good, but I ask the Head of the West Java Trade and Industry Service to start planning it next year, so it needs to be linked to tourism," said Bey.
Bey hopes that Pasar Minggon Pasamoan can expand the market for West Java UMKM products. Moreover, West Java UMKM products are very diverse and of good quality.
"Here, we see a variety of quality products, from handicrafts, fashion, to culinary, which reflect the potential of the local economy," said Bey.
"This is not just a buying and selling transaction, but also an opportunity to expand the market reach of our superior products, supporting the development of the industrial and trade sectors of West Java," he added.