PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. WEST BANDUNG - Acting Governor of West Java Bey Machmudin said that planting trees, cleaning up rubbish and spreading fish seeds in Situ Lembang could have a good impact on maintaining the environmental ecosystem.
"I, along with Pangdam III Siliwangi, the West Java Regional Police Chief, really support events like this because it protects our environment," said Bey Machmudin when met at Situ Lembang, West Bandung Regency, Saturday (27/1/2024).
Bey appreciated the collective work carried out by the TNI/Polri and various elements of society in protecting the environment.
Moreover, according to him, problems related to waste in the city of Bandung are still being sought for the best solution.
"We know about the rubbish problem in Greater Bandung and we really appreciate the results of the TNI/Polri in terms of cleaning up rubbish, especially plastic. Apart from that, there is also a fish hatchery, of course all of this is good for the survival of our young generation in the future," he added.
Regarding preventing natural disasters that might occur because the rainy season is still hitting the West Java region, Bey said that his staff will always coordinate with BPBD and TNI/Polri to continue working in monitoring every hydrometeorological disaster event.
"We will coordinate with BPBD and TNI/Polri regarding disasters in the Greater Bandung area," said Bey.
TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto stated that activities involving various institutions, including the community, aim to preserve nature so that it remains beautiful from rubbish and remains shady with lots of trees.
"This afternoon, I, along with Mr. KSAD (Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Army) and West Java Forkopimda, also Mr. Ustadz (Adi Hidayat) and all elements of society carried out several activities, the first was tree planting," said Agus.
"There are various trees planted, ranging from pine, mahogany, etc., which can grow quickly and protect nature so that it is not easily flooded. Then there is also the distribution of tilapia fish seeds," he added.
Agus did not forget to also mention that the Situ Lembang area must be preserved.
According to him, the lake is a source of water for the local community which is used for daily living needs.
"Situ Lembang has a lake that we must preserve and protect because of the West Java area, especially Bandung and Cimahi, if we trace the water from Situ Lembang to that area," he said.
"Then there are also waste cleaning activities, especially plastic, which have been initiated by Mr. Army Chief of Staff, which have also been carried out in various regions in Indonesia," concluded Agus.