Bey Machmudin Meets JICA at Gedung Sate


Friday, November 10, 2023


humas jabar; Rep Guh


humas jabar; Rep Guh

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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - Acting Governor of West Java Bey Machmudin met with representatives of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to accelerate various strategic projects in West Java.

The projects discussed include the Legoknangka Regional TPPAS, Patimban Port, the Patimban access toll road construction project, and the Rebana area.

For the progress of the Legoknangka Regional TTPAS, currently it is in the process of establishing an Implementing Unit Body or BUP. In line with this, we are still pushing for final approval regarding feasibility support or the Viability Gap Fund (VGF).

After the BUP is formed, it will move to the next progress, namely agreement with PLN regarding feasibility studies and interconnection studies.

"(JICA) is the same as us, we want to get going and there are several issues that are currently being discussed. We ask JICA to help speed up the completion so that groundbreaking can be carried out next year," said Bey Machmudin after the meeting at Gedung Sate Bandung, Thursday ( 9/11/2023 ).

Patimban Port is projected as an international port with the potential for regional economic competitiveness based on export-import and logistics distribution.

Patimban Port is expected to contribute 50 percent of West Java's economic growth.
To support this, the Patimban access road also needs to be accelerated. This project was also carried out through a PPP scheme. With a portion of government support with JICA loans (22.94 kilometers), and a BUJT portion (14.11 kilometers).

The government's support portion has been included in the 2022 Green Book and Activity List with a completion target of October 2025.

"They hope that the Patimban toll road will start operating next year, from kilometer 89 from Cipali to Patimban," said Bey.

"The distance of the Patimban access toll road, which is approximately 37.05 kilometers, is planned to be reached in around 23 minutes," he added.

The Patimban access toll road is also one of the national strategic projects contained in Presidential Regulation Number 109 of 2020 concerning the Third Amendment to Presidential Regulation Number 3 of 2016 concerning the Acceleration of Implementation of National Strategic Projects.

The planned Patimban access toll road crosses 10 sub-districts and 20 villages, which is divided into BUJT portions covering four sub-districts and six villages. Then the government portion covers seven sub-districts and 14 villages.

Meanwhile, land progress as of November 2 2023 , the BUJT portion has reached 22.2 percent, and the government's portion has reached 47.7 percent. Then the land uses affected by the Patimban access toll road route are rice fields, settlements and plantations.

For the overall development of the Rebana Area, there are projected main needs that must be met.

"Starting from water resources providing raw water to support industry, including developing the use of water sources from the sea," said Bey.

If that is not enough, it is necessary to improve and optimize irrigation infrastructure in the mapping of sustainable food agriculture areas (KP2B) as well as urban settlement facilities and infrastructure such as drinking water supply systems (SPAM), waste processing and final processing sites (TPPAS), and domestic wastewater management systems. (SPALD).

Furthermore, construction of toll roads and vertical primary collector roads, development of transit oriented development (TOD) areas, construction of railway lines to ports and airports, and optimization of the Cirebon port and fishing ports in the Pantura.

No less important is renewable energy such as geothermal power plants (PLTP), wind power plants (PLTB), and solar power plants (PLTS). Don't forget coastal and beach protection infrastructure.

Apart from that, continued Bey, there will also be training assistance for human resources at Rebana. "The tambourine provides training assistance," said Bey.

Editor: Humas Jabar

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