Bey: Large trucks can only pass through Parung Panjang from 22.00-05.00


Monday, November 20, 2023


Rilis Humas Jabar


Rilis Humas Jabar

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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. BOGOR - Acting Governor of West Java Bey Machmudin directly inspected Jalan Parung Panjang, Bogor Regency, Sunday (19/11/2023).

This was done in response to the many complaints from the people of Bogor regarding the chaos on Jalan Parung Panjang because it is often crossed by large trucks, causing the potential for accidents to occur.

Bey said, in order to reduce the volume of large vehicles passing along Jalan Parung Panjang, his party will impose a special schedule for large trucks which are only allowed to pass on that route, from 22.00-05.00 WIB.

"So it has been agreed, (large trucks can only pass) from 22.00 to 05.00 WIB. After that they are not allowed here," said Bey to the media crew.

Apart from enforcing a special schedule, Bey emphasized that large trucks are also prohibited from parking outside the agreed time.

"Parking is not allowed here either. Residents complain that sometimes they steal the start, at five or six in the afternoon, they come here to park. That is also annoying. Please pay close attention," he said.

Bey also asked the public who saw large trucks passing along Jalan Parung Panjang not according to the agreed schedule to report it to officers in the field.

He also invited the media crew to report if they found large trucks passing unscheduled.

"Friends (media) also help us. If there are violations, please report them. I will coordinate with the Regent, Kadishub, Kapolres and Pak Dandim," said Bey.

"I have also coordinated with the Military Commander and the Regional Police Chief. The TNI and Polri are also monitoring the field," he continued.

Deployed Saber Extortion Task Force

Meanwhile, regarding the increasing cases of illegal levies that occurred on Jalan Parung Panjang, Bey said he would deploy the West Java Province Task Force to Clean Up Illegal Levies (Satgas Saber Pungli).

He emphasized that he would act quickly if there was evidence of extortion in the area to be followed up immediately.

"We have a Saber Extortion Task Force. So please send us the evidence, then the team will move quickly. There is the Police Chief, the Dandim who will immediately follow up," he said.

Editor: Rep Teguh

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