Bio Farma Provides Machines to Jelekong & Sukamiskin Prisons in Bandung


Sunday, May 5, 2024


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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - Through the Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program, Bio Farma is committed to continuing to improve relations with the community through community empowerment programs by providing assistance.

Bio Farma provided a t-shirt making machine to the Jelekong Class IIA Narcotics Penitentiary (LAPAS) in Bandung and cake making equipment to the Sukamiskin Women's Prison in Bandung.

AVP TJSL Bio Farm, Sarmedi said that Bio Farma's community empowerment program is in line with the prison program, namely providing new skills for the correctional community to increase competence by doing productive things.

"Through the leave no one behind approach, which is part of the 2030 sustainable development goals (SDG's) agenda and in line with the prison program, Bio Farma is running a community empowerment program in the Jelekong Narcotics Prison and also the Sukamiskin Women's Prison," said Sarmedi.

"This aims to encourage prison inmates to always be productive and do positive things so that in the future, the skills they have will become useful provisions when they return to society," he added.

Head of the Class IIA Bandung Narcotics Prison, Gumilar Budirahayu, expressed his appreciation for Bio Farma's concern for helping increase the productivity and work skills of the inmates in the prison.

"With the help of this machine, we will use and maintain it optimally for production activities in the prison. "At the same time increasing the provision of training to prisoners," said Gumilar.

Head of Class IIA Bandung Women's Prison, Tri Winarsih also appreciated the assistance provided by Bio Farma

"We thank you, this assistance is very useful for prison inmates and can be used as a medium to increase the productivity of prison residents," said Tri. (Parno)

Editor: Revo

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