West Java BKD Appeals to Non-ASN Technical Personnel in BKN Database, Immediately Register for Wave 2 PPPK Test Selection


Friday, January 10, 2025


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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - Head of the West Java Provincial Regional Civil Service Agency (BKD), Sumasna, appealed to non-ASN technical personnel registered in the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) database to immediately register for the second wave of Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) recruitment selection.

Registration for this selection will close on January 15, 2025 at 23:59 WIB. Sumasna emphasized that it is important for non-ASN honorary workers registered in the BKN database to register for the second wave of PPPK selection, which will determine their ASN status in the future.

"This is very important to convey, because in our data, there are still many non-ASN technical personnel registered in the BKN database who have not registered, either in wave 1 or wave 2. Participation in this selection will determine their appointment status as part-time ASN PPPK," said Sumasna in Bandung, Friday ( 10/1/2025 ).

As of Friday night at 00.00, the number of registrants for the second wave of PPPK tests reached 7,463 people. However, there are still more than 400 non-ASN workers in the BKN database who have not registered.

"We urge colleagues who are eligible but have not registered to do so immediately. If anyone knows of a friend or colleague who has not registered, please let them know immediately. Registration for the second wave is very easy, you only need to attach a copy of your ID card and a photo of yourself," he added.

In addition, Sumasna explained that for non-ASN workers who did not register in the first wave due to limited formations related to educational requirements, in this second wave, formations will be opened for those with an Elementary School (SD) and Junior High School (SMP) educational background.

Meanwhile, regarding the wave 1 test participants who passed. Currently in the process of filling out the Curriculum Vitae (DRH), while those who have not been ranked can still work in their respective agencies while waiting for regulations from the center for proposals to become Part-Time PPPK.

"So, they can still work because the budget has been prepared in the West Java APBD non-employee spending, while waiting for regulations from the center to be proposed as part-time PPPK. Thus, there will be no layoffs for those who are not included in the PPPK selection ranking wave 1," he explained.

Sumasna appealed to non-ASN personnel to immediately register for the 2nd wave of PPPK selection and stated that his party was ready to serve questions or complaints related to the registration process.

"If there are any obstacles, applicants can come directly to the West Java BKD or to the personnel section in their respective regional apparatus. All of these processes are carried out as part of the arrangement of honorary workers in accordance with the central government program," he concluded.

Here are 5 groups that are eligible to become pure registrants for the second wave of PPPK selection: 1. Non-ASN teachers of state schools registered in Dapodik and have taught for at least 2 years. 2. PPG graduates registered with the Ministry of Education and Culture. 3. Health workers (nakes) who have worked for at least 2 years. 4. Technical personnel who have worked for at least 2 years. 5. Formations in wave 1 that have not been filled.

BKD Jabar also opened a Technical Service Team number for consultations, complaints, and grievances at * 0812 6028 183 * (Only via Whatsapp messages).

Editor: Humas Jabar

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