West Java BPKP Holds Village Financial Management Evaluation Workshop in Garut Regency


Monday, November 6, 2023


Diskominfo Garut


Diskominfo Garut

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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. GARUT - The West Java Province Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) held a Workshop on Evaluation of Financial Management and Village Development, at the Pendopo Building, Garut City District, Garut Regency (3/11/2023).

Regional Assistant I for Government and People's Welfare (Pemkesra) Garut, Bambang Hafidz, revealed that this activity had important significance. He explained that over the last 10 years, village funds have become an important source for village development since the enactment of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages.

"Each village almost or every village receives almost the same value of village funds in Garut Regency, perhaps the difference is not that significant," he said.

Bambang said, in Garut Regency, village development achievements are not always the same, even though the amount of Village Fund Allocation (ADD) received from the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) is almost uniform. There are developed villages, independent villages and developing villages in Garut Regency.

According to him, this is a challenge for regional governments, especially developing village heads, to achieve better results.

"Perhaps one of them is budget management and government governance. In this case, the main determining factor is the village head's leadership factor," he said.

Bambang considered that the workshop organized by the West Java Province BPKP was a very important activity for all villages to participate in. He thanked the West Java BPKP for organizing this activity and hoped that this kind of activity could be held regularly considering the urgency of monitoring and managing village finances.

"Perhaps there are new village heads who have taken office this year or only this term, of course this is something that is still new or unfamiliar to them, there are those who have been in office for two terms since this Village Law came into force," he continued.

Supervisory Coordinator (Korwas) for Regional Government Accountability I BPKP West Java Province, Risnandar, revealed that this workshop raised the theme "Accountable Village Financial Management in the Context of Increasing Productivity for Sustainable Village Economic Transformation", which aims to increase the capacity of regional government employees and village officials in managing village finances.

"Then encourage the strengthening of good governance and village financial management to make it more transparent and accountable," he said.

Risnandar also said that this activity was attended by participants such as sub-district heads and village heads in Garut Regency, who attended in person or via zoom meeting.

Several resource persons who participated in this activity included members of the DPR RI, Siti Mufattahah, Korwas Region I BPKP, Adrian Puspawijaya, Secretariat of the Directorate General of Economic Development and Village Investment, Sudrajat, and Head of the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Treasury for West Java Province, Heru Pudyo Nugroho .

Editor: (Diskominfo Garut/Fauziah Ismi)

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