PORTALJABAR, KARAWANG REGENCY - The 2025 budget year Bhakti Siliwangi Manunggal Satata Sariksa (BSMSS) of the 0604 Karawang Military District Command which was held in Tegalurung Village, Cilamaya Kulon District was officially closed on Tuesday (18/3/2025).
The 2025 Bhakti Siliwangi Manunggal Satata Sariksa (BSMSS) activity was carried out for 20 days starting from February 26-March 18, 2025 in Tegalurung Village, Cilamaya Kulon with physical and non-physical activities, one of which was the construction of 12 houses and drainage repairs.
Acting as the Inspector of the BSMSS Closing Ceremony, the Assistant for Government and Social Welfare of the Karawang Regency Secretariat, Wawan Setiawan, expressed his appreciation to all ranks of the TNI-Polri for the synergy that has been established for the welfare of the community.
He also expressed his thanks to all the people who participated in helping and collaborating in implementing BSMSS activities in 2025.
"We also express our gratitude to the TNI Polri, as well as the community in Tegalurung Village, Cilamaya Kulon who have worked together in carrying out this activity," he said.
He advised the village head and the entire community to jointly maintain and care for what had been built, especially in the 2025 BSMSS activities.
"Mr. Village Head, I entrust what has been built and implemented to you to be looked after and maintained," he said.
During the ceremony, the symbolic return of the means of contact for the activity was also carried out, signing of the agreement.