Opening Bekasi Leuweung Market Product Show, Bey Encourages It to be held regularly once a week


Sunday, May 26, 2024





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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. BEKASI - Acting Governor of West Java Bey Machmudin opened the Pasisian Leuweung Market Product Show in Ajarwana City Forest, Tamansari Village, Setu District, Bekasi Regency, Sunday (26/5/2024).

Pasisian Leuweung Market is a stall held to introduce MSME products which are served directly by local farmers.

This event, organized by the West Java Forestry Service, is a promotional event as well as educational tourism because it is held in the forest edge area (Pasisian Forest).

Bey was very happy that this activity was held and asked the West Java Forest Service to hold Leuweung Market events more often.

"I can't talk anymore because I'm too happy to see this market, it really is from the community for the community," said Bey Machmudin when he was present at the Ajarwana City Forest.

Bey also revealed that he would most likely not refuse to grant permission to manage land that was originally under the West Java Provincial Government to be managed by the Bekasi Regency Government, but on the condition that the Leuweung Market event be held at least once a week or two.

"Like the Regent's request regarding the management of this area by the district government, maybe I can't refuse it. But I ask for conditions so that an event like this is held every week, yes, sir. At least once every two weeks," said Bey.

The reason Bey proposed this condition was because he saw the enthusiasm of visitors who voluntarily came without being invited.

Apart from that, the prices of products sold at Leuweung Market stalls benefit both parties, both sellers and buyers.

"Events like this are very good because the community, farmers and managers get good prices because they don't go through intermediaries. So everyone gets good and I think this can be imitated in other places," said Bey.

At the Leuweung Market, Ajarwana City Forest, people who want to visit can not only shop for staple products and MSMEs at affordable prices, but they can also go on educational nature tours while watching performances by local artists.

According to Bey, this activity is also good, especially in introducing children to caring about preserving natural resources.


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