PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - Village-Owned Enterprises or BUMDes are an important instrument in driving the rural economy. Apart from being a source of original village income (PADes), BUMDes can also create employment opportunities as well as a source of income for local residents.
BUMDes Arya Kemuning located in Kaduela Village, Kuningan Regency, is a clear example of the important role of BUMDes in boosting the village economy.
The main business of BUMDes Arya Kemuning is managing the Cicerem Blue Lake tourist destination and the Side Land Swimming Pool. These two tourist destinations have succeeded in attracting the interest of local and foreign tourists as well as leading destinations in Kuningan.
From managing tourist destinations, BUMDes Arya Kemuning is able to open quite extensive employment opportunities. There are around 230 local people who work in these two tourist destinations.
"We also want to empower the community, the community's economy, and more with tourism," said BUMDes Director Arya Kemuning Iim Ibrahim.
"The workforce at BUMDes Arya Kemuning, especially in tourism, is around 230 people. Consisting of traders, photographers, parking attendants. "Yes, Alhamdulillah, it really helps them," he added.
Apart from managing tourist destinations, BUMDes Arya Kemuning is expanding its business units by creating savings and loan services. To optimize its business, BUMDes Arya Kemuning collaborates with several BJB banks and BNI.
According to Iim, this business unit not only provides access to capital and banking, but also eradicates online loans and loan sharks in Kaduela Village, Kuningan Regency.
"We are trying to overcome bank emok, pinjol, in the community with real evidence. We provide loans to the community with low interest of 1.5 percent," he said.
If BUMDes moves quickly in managing various business lines, said Iim, building village independence will not be difficult. BUMDes can also be a place for local people to pin their hopes and continue their lives.
One of the BUMDes employees, Arya Kemuning, Diding Muhidin, believes that BUMDes is the driving force of the village economy. Because, he said, many people have hope in BUMDes as a source of income.
According to Diding, the existence of BUMDes can also attract the interest of the younger generation to live in villages. Apart from earning income, they can take part in developing the village as well as exploring the village's potential.
"I feel very proud here with the existence of BUMDes and with the Cicerem Blue Lake tourism, I can work here without having to go far to look for work," he said.
"So the community can be empowered here, from workers as well as from MSMEs, BUMDes has always been the driving force of the village economy. "Alhamdulillah, we are grateful for the existence of BUMDes," he added.
West Java Commitment
The position of BUMDes which is so crucial for the village economy is one of the reasons why the West Java Provincial Government is moving quickly to develop business entities in villages.
Based on data from the West Java Province Community and Village Empowerment Service (DPM-Desa), the number of BUMDes in West Java continues to increase from year to year. In 2018, there were 3,695 BUMDes in West Java from 5,311 villages. Meanwhile, in 2023, the number of BUMDes in West Java will increase to 5,311 BUMDes.
The West Java Provincial Government through the West Java Community and Village Empowerment Service (DPM-Desa) is intensively carrying out a number of activities to strengthen the quality of BUMDes. One of them is the Village Business School (SABISA) through Technical Guidance, Field Schools and Business Meetings involving the role of expertise in the fields of entrepreneurship and business thematics as sources of knowledge or scientific sources.
Head of the West Java DPM-Village Community Economic Enterprise Empowerment Division, R Nurtafiyana, said that apart from focusing on developing BUMDes, his party is paying great attention to increasing the capacity of BUMDes managers.
"The increase was carried out through the Village Business Unit (SABISA) and the CEO of BUMDesa, which is an effort to develop BUMDes based on characteristics and needs," he said.
"The CEO of BUMDes is also the conceptualizer of changes in BUMDes management, so that BUMDes can become a form of village economic independence by moving strategic business units for village collective economic efforts according to the village's potential," he added.
As a form of effort to develop BUMDes, the West Java Provincial Government is also committed to promoting BUMDes business units through the long-distance bicycle racing event Cycling de Jabar 2024.