Bekasi Regent Supports People's Schools for Free Education


Friday, March 14, 2025


diskominfosantik kab. bekasi


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PORTALJABAR, BEKASI REGENCY - Bekasi Regent Ade Kuswara Kunang, fully supports the People's School program initiated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Prabowo Subianto, through the Ministry of Social Affairs. This program aims to provide free education access for the underprivileged.

Ade emphasized that the Bekasi Regency Government (Pemdakab) is ready to facilitate the establishment of People's Schools so that children from underprivileged families can still receive a decent education.

"We do not want any more children in Bekasi Regency to drop out of school due to economic constraints. Everyone must have access to proper education," he said after attending the West Java Provincial People's School Coordination and Socialization Meeting at the Bogor Regency Regional Secretariat, Thursday (13/3/2025).

He added that the People's School could be a solution to eradicate extreme poverty in Bekasi Regency. This program is in line with the regional vision for the next five years, namely Rising, Advancing, and Prospering.

"The government ensures that this school is free. Starting from dormitories, clothing, school supplies, to other needs will be covered by the state. This program is prioritized for the extremely poor based on official data," he said.

Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf, is targeting the construction of 30 People's Schools in West Java and has asked regional heads to propose assets or land that can be used as school locations.

"One district, one People's School, and this program will start this year according to the conditions in each region," he said.

West Java Governor Dedi Mulyadi welcomed this program as a strategic step to overcome poverty from a cultural perspective.

"I fully support the People's School. Poverty is also cultural, so a comprehensive educational revolution is needed," he said.

With the existence of the People's School, it is hoped that there will be no more children who drop out of school due to economic limitations. This program is a real step by the government in improving the quality of human resources, as well as a strategic effort in eradicating extreme poverty.

Support from local governments, including the Bekasi Regency Government (Pemdakab), will play an important role in realizing this program so that its benefits can be widely felt by the people in need.

Editor: (DiskominfoKab.Bekasi/UPI)

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