Bogor Regent Iwan Setiawan Called Tajurhalang the Most Complete Two-Wheel Spare Parts Shopping Tour in Indonesia


Wednesday, November 15, 2023


Diskominfo Kabupaten Bogor


Diskominfo Kabupaten Bogor

878 times


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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. BOGOR - Through the Bogor Keliling (Boling) activity, the Regent of Bogor, Iwan Setiawan, accompanied by the Chair of the TP-PKK, Bogor Regency, Halimatu Sadiyah Iwan, again came down to directly greet the community and directly inspect the results of development in the Tajurhalang District area, on Tuesday (14/11/2023).

The Regent of Bogor, Iwan Setiawan, said that Tajurhalang, as an area with quite large potential for shopping tourism, especially as a nationally famous area for two-wheeled vehicle spare parts, has the potential to increase the economic value of the community.

"As an area where two-wheeled vehicle spare parts are nationally renowned, I have coordinated with relevant stakeholders to make it the biggest spare parts shopping tourism in Bogor and Jabodetabek," he said.

Furthermore, the Head of Tajurhalang Subdistrict, Fikri Ikhsani, expressed his gratitude to the Regent of Bogor for the assistance he had provided. Especially regarding infrastructure development through the Bogor Regency Government program strategy by building the Bomang route which will soon be connected to Tegar Beriman.

"We also, on behalf of the residents of Tajurhalang District, would like to express our gratitude because this year the construction of SMPN 2 Tajurhalang which is currently in progress in Tajurhalang village, precisely at the Bojonggede Temple Housing Complex," he said.

The Regent of Bogor together with the sub-district head and a number of residents made a declaration in order to create a healthy Tajurhalang by stopping open defecation.

Also present at the bowling activity were Ka. Diskominfo, Ka. DPMD, Ka. Disdik, Ka. PUPR, Inspector, Secretary of Satpol PP, Managing Director of Sayaga Wisata, Representative of Perumda Tirta Kahuripan, Head of District. BPJS Employment Cileungsi. TP Chairman. District PKK, Ka, Danramil, Sector Police Chief, Village Heads throughout Tajurhalang District, TP. Village PKK, Head of RT/RW and representatives of Subkogartap 0606 Bogor. (rdp*)

Editor: rdp

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