PORTALJABAR, BOGOR REGENCY - Bogor Regent, Rudy Susmanto attended a coordination and evaluation meeting regarding spatial planning which took place in the Teratai Room with the Governor of West Java Dedy Mulyadi, at the Depok City Hall, Tuesday (11/3/2025). On that occasion, the Governor of West Java conveyed various strategic steps for spatial planning efforts in West Java Province.
Dedy Mulyadi explained that he has evaluated West Java Province to immediately fix its spatial planning. One of the main focuses is to push for the Detailed Spatial Planning Plan (RDTR) to be processed immediately, because many areas have stalled in the process.
"On this occasion, we are synchronizing so that in the end two important things can be achieved, namely the establishment of a healthy investment climate and the realization of a healthy environmental posture, free from disease and disaster," he said.
He also revealed that his party has found a solution for river normalization, and the arrangement of the developer's mountain space. Dedy said that the solution will be discussed next week at the PUPR Ministry.
"These strategic steps will be completed well thanks to the cooperation between the West Java Provincial Government and the Ministry of ATR/BPN," added the Governor of West Java.
In addition, Dedy Mulyadi also conveyed several problems that need to be addressed immediately. Among them, there are 10 districts in West Java that have not revised the Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW) which is no longer in accordance with actual conditions. This is one of the causes of irregularities in the licensing process.
"The current RDTR target has only reached 17 percent, which has caused irregularities in activity permits," he said.
Another issue that was also discussed was related to river boundaries. He explained that many lands were controlled by the community along the river boundaries that had been going on for decades. To overcome this, the government plans to designate lands on the river boundaries as state land, which will later be managed by Bale Besar Sungai.
"We will issue certificates for Bale Besar Sungai, and if the Ministry of Water Resources (BWSS) does not have a budget for measurement, the costs will be borne by the provincial government," he explained.
He said, with this step, it is hoped that the river boundary land will become a state asset, so that people can no longer claim or build along the riverbank.
Regarding existing land certificates, the Governor of West Java added that each case will be reviewed in depth. If there is any discrepancy in the process, then the invalid certificate will be canceled. However, if the process is correct and the land is a legitimate right, then land acquisition will be carried out with appropriate compensation.
"This solution is expected to maintain the long-term ecosystem, provide legal certainty, and create an investment climate that is not dependent on unresolved spatial planning issues," he concluded.
The meeting was attended by representatives from the Ministry of PUPR, the Ministry of ATR/BPN, and stakeholders, who worked together to achieve the best solution for improving spatial planning and environmental management in West Java. (Public Communication Team / Bogor Regency Communication and Information Service/rka)