Garut Regent: Enforcement of Ramadan Rules Must Be Done Conducively


Sunday, March 9, 2025


Rilis Humas Pemdakab Garut


Rilis Humas Pemdakab Garut

43 times


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PORTALJABAR, GARUT REGENCY - The Garut Regency Government (Pemdakab) held a meeting with the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) in the Pamengkang Room, Garut City District, Saturday (8/3/2025).

This meeting discussed the viral video of a sweeping action carried out by members of the Islamic Community Alliance (AUI) of Garut Regency against a coffee shop that was open during the day during Ramadan, on Wednesday (5/3).

The meeting was attended by the Regent of Garut Abdusy Syakur Amin, Deputy Regent Putri Karlina, Regional Secretary Nurdin Yana, Garut Police Chief AKBP Mochamad Fajar Gemilang, and representatives from the Islamic Community Alliance of Garut Regency.

On that occasion, the Coordinator of AUI Garut Regency, Ceng Aam, apologized for the sweeping action that went viral on social media and caused unrest in the community.

Garut Regency Government Affirms Ramadan Proclamation
Garut Regent Abdusy Syakur Amin explained that the Garut Regional Government had issued a Community Compliance Declaration during Ramadan 1446 Hijriah, which was prepared together with Islamic community organizations. He emphasized that this proclamation was not a unilateral decision, but the result of a mutual agreement.

"They also participated in the preparation. This is not just this year, but from several previous years we learned that there are things that must be prepared from the start," said Syakur.

However, he regretted the inappropriate implementation in the field. Considering that Garut Regency is a very large area, he instructed all components to more intensively socialize the contents of the announcement to the Garut community by involving the MUI and Kemenag.

"In the near future, we will more massively convey information to the public because the Garut area is very large," he said.

Law Enforcement of Government Authority
Regent Syakur appreciated the statement of attitude and apology from AUI Garut. However, he emphasized that the process of action is the authority of the regional government so that the situation remains conducive.

"So the point is that we as Muslims and also Indonesian citizens understand that we have a position of mutual respect and appreciation," he said.

Syakur also appealed to the public to maintain tolerance, especially during Ramadan. He reminded residents who are not fasting to respect those who are fasting by not eating, drinking, or smoking in public places, because this will cause reactions from the public.

"Because earlier travelers were allowed to smoke, don't smoke in public, hide, and that also reminds us that even if we remind them, we already have officers who have that authority," he said. (Garut Regency Government Public Relations/rka)

Editor: Revo

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