The Regent of Garut Closes His Term of Office with a Series of Visits and Inaugurations


Sunday, January 14, 2024


Rilis Humas Pemdakab Garut


Rilis Humas Pemdakab Garut

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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. GARUT - In a series of visits to the northern region of Garut, Garut Regent Rudy Gunawan inaugurated the Malangbong District Office building, Friday (12/1/2024).

This visit was also filled with Rudy's farewell towards the end of his term of office.

"Today I have finished, and we will hand it over on the 23rd (January), therefore I ask to say goodbye to the residents and thank you, we are a family," he said.

At the inauguration ceremony, Rudy appreciated the people of Malangbong who had contributed to producing many ulama, providing a sense of peace and order in the area.

"I thank Malangbong for its many ulama, so that it is peaceful, orderly, and God willing, it will become a blessed area," he said.

Rudy also announced new regulations through Perbup regarding Holiday Allowances (THR) for village heads and village secretaries as a form of appreciation for their performance.

"But in the regulations there is no 13th salary or THR, so we made a regent's regulation that later on Shawwal 1 they will get double their salary in the form of THR, more or less (the budget is) around 4.5 billion," he said.

Malangbong Subdistrict Head UU Saripudin expressed his gratitude for various development programs during the leadership of Regent Rudy Gunawan and Deputy Regent Helmi Budiman, including the construction of a flyover in Bunisari Village and a new subdistrict office building.

"Thank God, the Regent, the community members are so enthusiastic about the existence of this new service building for the community members, which has encouraged us colleagues in the sub-district, including the villages throughout Malangbong Sub-district," he said.

Apart from Malangbong, Rudy also visited Kersamanah District and Cibatu District. This visit is considered as part of the Regent's efforts to evaluate and appreciate development and government performance in various sub-districts before his term of office ends. (Diskominfo Garut/UPI)

Editor: Upi

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