PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. GARUT - Garut Regent Rudy Gunawan gave a speech at the Open Session of the Senate of the Indonesian Education Institute (IPI) Garut in the context of the VI Bachelor and Master Graduation which took place in the Ballroom of the Santika Hotel, Garut Regency, Tuesday (19/12/2023).
Rudy said that today was a moment where the graduates gathered wearing clothes that were not their usual, namely wearing honorary gowns as students who had been declared graduates with undergraduate or postgraduate degrees in accordance with applicable regulations.
He also revealed that the regional government always supports IPI Garut, one of which is through the support of the Regent of Garut for the transfer of IPI Garut from its previous status as a Teacher Training and Education College (STKIP). Rudy explained that the existence of IPI Garut improved the quality of teaching in Garut Regency.
"Because of the quality of the lessons given by teachers with the Minister of Education and Culture's regulation that teachers for elementary schools must have masters, so teachers throughout Garut Regency are flocking to pursue master's studies at educational science colleges which have turned into Indonesian educational institutes," he said.
Rudy also appreciated IPI Garut for always collaborating with the Garut Regency Regional Government (Pemdakab), one of which is related to teacher competency tests. He said that IPI Garut also contributed to improving human resources in Garut Regency.
"So that teacher competency tests also increase, teacher skills from the pedagogical side of educational science who study things related in general to how good teaching theory also continues to be developed," he said.
Chancellor of IPI Garut, Prof. Dr. Nizar Alam Hamdani, said that today IPI Garut graduated 726 graduates including undergraduate and master's programs. On behalf of the IPI Garut Academic Community, he expressed his congratulations to the graduates and female graduates on the successful completion of their studies at IPI Garut.
"This success is the result of the students' sincerity and struggle in pursuing academic activities which is supported by the sincerity of their family's moral and material sacrifices," he said.
He revealed that after achieving this academic degree, his party prayed that the graduates would be able to immortalize the knowledge they had gained in the development of the nation and state. (Diskominfo Garut/UPI)