Hurry up and play an important role in reducing stunting and controlling inflation


Friday, February 16, 2024


Diskominfo Kota Bandung


Diskominfo Kota Bandung

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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - Buruan Healthy Natural Economics (Buruan Sae) has a strategic role in intervention efforts to reduce stunting rates and control inflation by strengthening food security and the food balance of Bandung City.

This was stated by the Acting Mayor of Bandung, Bambang Tirtoyuliono, when visiting the Baruan Sae Sabedug Group in RW 13, Palasari Village, Cibiru District and Buruan Sae Ceria in Panyileukan District, Thursday (15/2/2024).

"Sae's goal is very strategic. One of them is supporting reducing stunting rates and controlling inflation if this is done massively," he said

Bambang said that the expansion of the Buruan Sae group must continue to be carried out to encourage the community to strengthen food security through the use of limited land in urban areas.

According to him, in 2024 the Bandung City Government (Pemkot) will form 100 new Buruan Sae groups after previously recording 375 Buruan Sae groups.

"This year's target is to add 100 sae hunting groups at the RW level, where previously there were 375 sae hunting groups. If this is massive again in the future, the impact can be even more controlled (inflation). We can control several types of commodities which up to now the city of Bandung has depended on other areas ," he said.

He said, Buruan Sae in RW 13, Palasari Village, is an example that people have a great desire to utilize limited space in urban areas, but the results are good.

"This has been formed since 2019, the Buruan Sae group is already massive and good," he said.

The role of the government, continued Bambang, is to provide assistance on how to care for, plant and harvest and process organic waste.

"Here there are plants of onions, eggplants, cloves, vegetables, corn, peanuts, as well as some caring for chickens, sheep and fish. I think this is a trigger to encourage Bandung city residents to use the space," he said.

On this occasion, Bambang also carried out the first harvest of the cengek plant, aka cayenne pepper, produced by the Sae Sabedug Hunting Group.

"Hopefully the first harvest of cengek in 2024 will provide benefits and motivation to be more independent. The government will provide assistance and ensure the sustainability of the sae harvest. It will be very helpful for handling stunting, and can encourage controlling inflation," he said.

Apart from that, Bambang also carried out the first planting of red onions and symbolically gave 30 polybags of clove and red onion seeds and handed over the results of food lab testing of the harvest.

"Hopefully it can trigger enthusiasm and provide great benefits to the community. We tested the harvest results. The results from the current laboratory are safe and non-pesticide," he said.

Head of the Bandung City Food and Agriculture Security Service (DKPP), Gin Gin Ginanjar, said that currently he has entered the final stage to determine 100 new Buruan Sae group locations.

"In principle, there is distribution in 30 sub-districts and then in areas where there are not many groups that definitely have enthusiasm," he said.

In the first stage, we provide assistance and outreach before receiving the infrastructure and facilities for the 50 new Buruan Sae groups. These facilities and infrastructure are in the form of assistance, socialization, stimulants for infrastructure ranging from planting media to plant seeds.

"This year the target is to add 100 new groups to add to the 375 existing groups. In terms of numbers, we will increase the quality," he said. (Diskominfo Bandung City/UPI)

Editor: Upi

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