Preventing Health Risks, Acting Regent of Garut Orders to Check the Expiry Period of Aid


Sunday, February 4, 2024


Rilis Humas Pemdakab Garut


Rilis Humas Pemdakab Garut

357 times


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PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. GARUT - Acting Regent of Garut, Barnas Adjidin, carried out an inspection of the availability and suitability of aid stock at the Garut Regency Social Service (Dinsos) Warehouse, Friday (2/2/2024).

He emphasized the importance of providing the best service to disaster survivors.

Barnas said that his party ordered checks on aid goods that would be sent, with instructions to immediately replace unfit goods.

"And I also ordered that goods that have been sent or consumed be replaced. And the Head of Social Affairs has said that they have been replaced and have gone to the disaster location," he said.

Barnas hopes that a similar incident will not happen again and asks for a report on the delivery of aid first so that it can be accounted for.

Barnas stated that as soon as possible his party, through the Garut Regency Social Service, checked the expiration date of the aid items that would be given to disaster survivors.

"Don't let it get to the field and it can't be used or even cause illness to residents affected by the disaster," he said.

Barnas also reminded that the preparation of aid goods for residents could be more orderly, especially since Garut Regency is a disaster-prone district so 24-hour service readiness is needed.

"Because the disaster cannot be determined, it is tidied up, so that if you need a tent, the tent is ready to go, so don't tidy it up before leaving so I don't want things to be slow like that with the provision of aid. If there are items that are no longer suitable for use, "Immediately make an event report so that it can be put in order immediately," he said.

Barnas invites all disaster volunteers to continue to be careful, especially in the midst of hostile weather conditions. He emphasized the priority of safety for residents affected by disasters.

"People want it to be fast, then this concerns people's lives, so it is hoped that this service really prioritizes the safety of people affected by disasters," he said.

He also asked for collaboration to be built from various sectors, including health and food security, to ensure optimal services to the community, especially regarding disasters.

He hopes that the 7 social granaries in Garut Regency can continue to function in helping accelerate disaster management in Garut Regency.

"Once again, this is synergy, so it's not just social services, not just BPBD, but all elements of society, we will work together with various communities including BAZNAS, and so on to also help the existing victims," he said. (Diskominfo Garut/UPI)

Editor: Upi

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