Dedi Mulyadi: Need for Integrated Concept for Puncak Area Management


Thursday, March 6, 2025


Rilis Humas Jabar


Rilis Humas Jabar

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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - West Java Governor Dedi Mulyadi will invite all stakeholders to organize the Puncak area, Bogor. An integrated concept is needed so that flooding from upstream to downstream can be prevented.

This follows the floods that occurred in the Bogor, Bekasi, and Karawang areas, and have spread to Jakarta and Tangerang, over the past three days.

Flooding is suspected to have occurred because the Puncak area has experienced a decline in function as an upstream area that absorbs water. The area that should be entirely for tea plantations has changed function from an agrotourism area with many buildings and tourism access roads.

According to Dedi, to overcome flooding in the Jabodetabek area, integration and togetherness are needed between stakeholders, starting from the Central Government, Provinces, to districts/cities such as Bogor, Depok, Bekasi Karawang.

"Tomorrow (the plan) is to go to Bogor with the Minister of Environment to evaluate two things. One is in the Puncak (area) regarding changes in land use," said Dedi.

He referred to the Gunung Mas tea plantation which changed function from a tea plantation to agrotourism.

"Second, the river basin. Downstream, there are many housing developments and various areas. Many people dump fill soil into the river so the water rises because of that," he added.

In addition to the Ministry of Environment and the regional government, the Provincial Government will also conduct a joint evaluation related to the West Java spatial plan with the Minister of ATR/BPN. "So later there will be changes in the spatial plan in West Java," said Dedi.

Dedi also apologized to the public with the tourist area in Puncak, one of which is managed by PT Jaswita, one of the BUMDs owned by the Provincial Government.

"I apologize as a representative of the West Java Provincial Government, because through a BUMD called Jaswita, it opened a tourist area in the plantation area. It became a commotion in the community because there were illegal buildings that collapsed and entered the river. We (are committed) to dismantling it if it violates the rules," he said.

Dedi said that his party will firmly return the Puncak area according to its designation. For example, for plantation areas, forests, water catchment areas, or rice fields. So according to its designation, it cannot be added to.

Due to flooding in the Jabodeatebk area, many residents were displaced. The short-term solution, the Provincial Government coordinates with the BPBD and the local government to ensure that the basic needs of the community are met.

"Because they (affected residents) have stopped working, their social security aspects must be fulfilled," he said.

Editor: Rep Pun

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