PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - Resolving the Citarum problem will be very complex if only one or two parties take action.
Therefore, efforts from Pentahelix continue to be echoed to make Citarum clean again through the Citarum Harum program.
One of the Citarum Institute-Unpas academics, Eki Baihaki, said that the reality of the Citarum River is that it is still plagued by various problems. Efforts to care for, manage and preserve the Citarum river have not been commensurate with the enormous appetite to exploit it.
"There has not yet been a structured, coordinated and integrated program in each of the 19 ministries/institutions, provincial governments and 13 districts/cities. This includes collaborative roles with other elements of the pentahelix, namely academics, communities, elements of the business world and the media," said Eki in the Workshop on Commitment to the Role of Pentahelix Elements for the Sustainability of Citarum Harum, at the Savoy Homann Hotel (12/13/2023).
According to him, the existence of the TNI still needs to be maintained in the Citarum program because there is no institution ready to replace the TNI's function at this time. Citarum River conservation began to be effective after the TNI became involved in the Citarum program structure.
"Make all components involved as creative and constructive partners, not accessories to help achieve optimal results. This is in line with the local Sundanese proverb, Sareundeuk saigel sabobot sapihanean sabata sarimbagan," he said.
He added that one aspect that needs to be changed in handling Citarum Harum is the cultural aspect. Because this is a long-term step to change people's mindset regarding rivers.
Meanwhile, Commander of the III/Siliwangi Military Regional Command, Major General TNI Erwin Djatniko, said that to resolve the Citarum problem, the Citarum Harum Task Force had been formed which was divided into 23 sectors.
"A total of 850 TNI people and 750 community members who are members of Gober play an active role in continuing to maintain the cleanliness of Citarum," explained Erwin.
He explained that several innovations had been implemented by the TNI Sector for Citarum Harum, including Sector 4 which had innovated in processing waste and briquettes as a substitute for coal.
"Then, Sector 6 Citarum Harum's innovation presented an integrated TPS, maggot cultivation, compost making tank, and water pollution indicator pond," he continued.
In Sector 7, they present a Motah (waste processing machine) with a complete integrated waste management system for burning waste on site after sorting.
"Pentahelix is a partner, not competing or hostile. If the ties within Pentahelix become stronger, the 2025 Citarum Harum target of TK2 water quality standard level is not impossible. Things that are found in the field should be coordinated with the Citarum Harum Task Force, not made viral," he explained. .
Another thing regarding the role of the pentahelix was also conveyed by the Executive Secretary of Apindo (Indonesian Employers' Association) West Java, Darius Krisdanu Purwana. He said that his party always emphasized to Apindo members, if they want to do business in West Java, whatever area it is, then take care of the environment there.
"Because with a good environment, investment will also be good. If the company is polluted by the environment, sometimes the share value also goes down," explained Darius.
Although, he admitted that there were several fellow entrepreneurs who had difficulty getting IPAL permits. It's also difficult to extend it.
"Moreover, clients who come from outside are very concerned about environmental issues. Especially if the company doesn't have an IPAL and ISO, then they don't want to be buyers," he admitted.
Even though he has educated all entrepreneurs in Apindo, he admits that there are still many entrepreneurs in West Java who are not affiliated with Apindo. So, not everything he can handle.
If it turns out that in the field Apindo members are found to have committed environmental-related violations, then he is committed to giving strict sanctions and reprimands.
"However, if you are not an Apindo member, this is also a difficulty for us to handle because it is not our scope. Unless it turns out that the company is affiliated with another association," he said.