Council Values New Classroom Infrastructure as a Problem for High Schools in West Java


Friday, March 1, 2024


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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - West Java Provincial DPRD highlighted the problem of new classroom infrastructure which is still lacking in various Senior High Schools (SMA) in West Java. The lack of new classrooms has had the impact of limiting New Student Admissions (PPDB).

And many schools complained about this problem, especially when Commission V of the West Java Province DPRD carried out a Working Visit in the context of Evaluation of Learning Facilities at SMA Negeri 4 Tasikmalaya City, on Thursday (29/02/2024).

Member of Commission V DPRD West Java Province, Viman Alfarizi Ramadhan, said that classroom infrastructure still needs to be added, especially in schools with high demand, such as SMA Negeri 4 Kota Tasikmalaya.

"Tasikmalaya City State High School 4 is one of the high schools that has a lot of interest. Of the 800 people who registered, only 320 people were able to accept it," said Virman.

"In every school, the problem is almost the same, on average it is study groups. It cannot be added anymore and that is related to classroom infrastructure which must still be added," he added.

Viman stated that his party had submitted assistance regarding a solution to this problem to the Education Department, seeing that there was empty land that could still be built for classrooms so that SMAN 4 Kota Tasikmalaya could accommodate more new students.

"Of course what can be maximized is that the potential here is ready with 400 meters of additional class land. Hopefully later we can help and fight for it, because the interest from the community and also new students is very high. Thank God the application has reached the local education office, " he said.

Viman hopes that the construction of new classroom infrastructure can be realized in various schools with high interest and is also supported by the West Java Provincial Government so that future PPDB will run smoothly.

"Hopefully in 2025 we can plan not only SMAN 4 but also other high schools that must also be considered by the West Java Provincial Government where land infrastructure is the main thing for now so that quality can later produce graduates and also the next generation in good West Java." concluded Viman.

Editor: admin

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