Disbudpar Holds Bandung City 214th Anniversary Logo Competition


Friday, May 10, 2024


Diskominfo Kota Bandung


Diskominfo Kota Bandung

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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - The Bandung City Culture and Tourism Department (Disbudpar) is holding a Logo Design Competition to welcome the 214th Anniversary of the City of Bandung.

This year, the theme of the Bandung City Anniversary is "The Spirit of Collaboration to Make the City of Bandung a Sustainable Progress."

The anniversary of the city of Bandung will be September 25 2024. The winner of the competition will get a prize of IDR 15 million.

The following are the requirements for participants in the Bandung City 214th Anniversary logo competition:

1. Open to the people of Bandung City as proven by a Bandung City KTP, in the name of an individual.

2. Participants are required to register and upload their work and completeness via the website disbudpar.bandung.go.id.

3. Participants are not charged a registration fee.

4. Participants are required to send a photo of their KTP.

5. Closed to ASN and PPPK within the Bandung City Government, as well as employees or employees of the Bandung City Culture and Tourism Service.

6. The minimum age limit for competition participants is 17 years (counting at the time of registration).

7. The work received must completely comply with the requirements that have been set, if it does not meet the requirements, the work will be disqualified and not included in the assessment.

8. The logo design for the 214th Anniversary of the City of Bandung must be an original work, not contain elements of SARA or politics, and have never been entered in a competition. If there are indications of plagiarism, participants will be disqualified.

9. Participants must fulfill all applicable provisions. If there is a violation of the applicable rules and regulations, it is the participant's full responsibility.

All designs are assessed and selected by a panel of judges who are competent in their fields.

Competition participants can send their logo work no later than May 17 2024 at 12.00 WIB. Further terms and conditions can be seen at www.disbudpar.bandung.go.id or via the link bit.ly/sayembara_logo_hjkb214.

The plan is that the jury will determine the potential winners based on the highest scoring order. The winner will be announced on May 21, 2024. (Diskominfo Bandung City/UPI)

Editor: Upi

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