Bandung City Manpower Office Holds Makeup Training


Wednesday, March 19, 2025


Diskominfo Kota Bandung


Diskominfo Kota Bandung

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PORTALJABAR, BANDUNG CITY - In the midst of increasingly dynamic economic development, the City of Bandung is committed to providing maximum support in creating new job opportunities as widely as possible.

For this reason, the Bandung City Manpower Office held a make-up training in Babakan Sari Village, Kiaracondong District (3/18/2025). Around 20 residents participated in this training.

One of them is Feby Zahra (22). She is the youngest participant.

"Thank you to the Bandung City Government, especially the Bandung City Manpower Office, for facilitating me. This is exciting, there are many new experiences and knowledge from the instructors," said Feby.

Feby hopes that this training can be a path for her to become a make-up artist.

"I took this opportunity to open a service and make it a paid hobby," he said.

For information, this make-up training activity was held for 12 days starting from March 5 - 18, 2025. A total of 20 participants took part in this activity.

"There are 20 participants from Babakan Sari, ranging from mothers, children who graduated from vocational schools/high schools. This training can reduce unemployment and open their own businesses," said the Head of LPK Reneo, Asih Handayani.

According to Asih, after this training activity, the Bandung City Manpower Office will also facilitate certification activities for the best participants.

Meanwhile, Deputy Mayor of Bandung, Erwin, who closed the training, hoped that the participants would continue to be guided.

"We will support this activity by creating UMKM Centers in 30 Sub-districts. And are committed to reducing unemployment gradually. The hope is that the participants who have been trained can be trained at the business incubation center," said Erwin.

Erwin also hopes that the participants will continue to be accompanied so that they can open new businesses, including access to training, mentoring, and promotion.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bandung City Manpower Office, Andri Darusman said, this activity is an aspiration from the community at the sub-district and village levels. The goal is to create new entrepreneurs and reduce unemployment in Bandung City.

"Bandung is a service city. There are 13 types of training activities, one of which is makeup. Any training can be a provision to open a new business in Bandung," said Andri. (Bandung City Communication and Information Service/Fauziah)

Editor: Fauziah Ismi

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