PORTALJABAR, DISTRICT. BOGOR - Bogor Regency now has a Batik Tourism Village Gallery located at RT 04 RW 08 Parakan Jaya Village, Kemang District, Bogor Regency, which was just inaugurated by the Bogor Regency Regional Government (Pemdakab) and the Kemang District Government, Thursday (28/12/ 2023).
Head of Kemang District, Imam Mahmudi, appreciated the enthusiasm of MSME activists in Kemang District for the creation of the Kemang batik gallery.
"I appreciate it and I didn't expect Kemang to have batik craftsmen who have been running for a long time, of course we really support it, especially how to package batik that can compete with other batik in Indonesia," he said.
According to him, batik is a heritage that must be preserved, cultivated, developed, promoted, we can develop batik, there needs to be cooperation and support from all parties, so that Kemang batik can be known by the wider community.
Chairman of the Kemang Batik Association, Ely Yuliana, hopes that the inauguration of the Kemang Batik Tourism Village Gallery can increase the commitment of Kemang batik makers in creating and producing Kemang batik, to encourage the creation of a Kemang Batik Tourism Village and the formation of the Kemang Batik Producers Cooperative.
"Hopefully the presence of this gallery can motivate fellow batik makers to continue working so that production can be sustainable. Hopefully in the future this gallery will be open every day because the land is large enough so you can produce here," he said.
Bogor Regency Diskominfo Secretary Linda Hendrayani SWT said, with the existence of the Kemang Batik Gallery, it is hoped that batik products made in Bogor Regency can be more advanced and developed comparable to batik in other regions.
"In accordance with Diskominfo's instructions, we always support the progress of the Kemang Batik Gallery, one of which is through publications and promotions via social media, websites, videotrons and others. We hope that the Kemang batik village will truly exist, progress like the batiks in Cirebon, Solo Pekalongan "Hopefully Kemang batik craftsmen will progress," he said. (Diskominfo Bogor Regency/UPI)