Bekasi Regency DPRD Determines Changes to Regional Regulation on Taxes and Levies


Sunday, March 16, 2025


Diskominfo Kab. Bekasi


Diskominfo Kab. Bekasi

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PORTALJABAR, BEKASI REGENCY - The Bekasi Regency DPRD officially stipulated changes to Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 8 of 2023 concerning Regional Taxes and Regional Retributions in a plenary meeting held in the DPRD Plenary Room, Cikarang Pusat Regency Complex (14/3/2025).

Bekasi Regent, Ade Kuswara Kunang, who attended the meeting, said that the change in the regional regulation was a strategic step to increase Regional Original Income (PAD) and encourage development in Bekasi Regency.

"Hopefully this Draft Regional Regulation can boost PAD and development in Bekasi Regency so that the benefits are felt by the community," said Ade Kuswara Kunang in Berbagainya.

The Bekasi Regent also appreciated the DPRD who had worked hard to perfect the changes to the draft regional regulation until it could be determined. He revealed that the achievement of regional income in the previous year reached Rp7,186 trillion or 97.40 percent of the target, with spending of Rp7,221 trillion or 92.45 percent of the target, and financing of Rp556,460 billion or 100.7 percent.

In addition to determining changes to regional tax and levy regulations, the plenary meeting also discussed the 2024 accountability report and the Bekasi Regent's Explanatory Note regarding the Draft Regional Regulation on Sustainable Food Agricultural Land and the Draft Regional Regulation on Provisions for Prevention and Handling of Fire Hazards.

By enacting changes to the Regional Regulation on Regional Taxes and Regional Retributions, the Bekasi District Government hopes to increase the effectiveness of regional revenue management to support sustainable development.

This policy is expected to strengthen the local economic sector, improve public services, and ensure the welfare of the people of Bekasi Regency.

In addition, further discussion on the Draft Regional Regulation on Sustainable Food Agricultural Land and Prevention and Mitigation of Fire Hazards is also part of the local government's efforts to create comprehensive policies for the advancement of the region. (Bandung City Communication and Information Service/Fauziah)

Editor: Fauziah Ismi

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